GORE BAY – Members of the Gore Bay/Gordon-Barrie Island fire department were able to put out what could have potentially been a serious blaze in an area directly behind the Gore Bay transfer station recently.
“The report about the fire came in 3:04 (April 18),” said Gore Bay Fire Chief Michael Addison. “I wasn’t the first member of the fire department there but I understand it was burning pretty good,” he said. “(Fellow firefighter) Duncan Sinclair said he could see the fire and smoke from the fire hall.”
The blaze took place in a large area behind the dumpsters at the transfer station, (located just outside of Gore Bay). “I’m not sure how far back it was, but it was burning everything toward the north with high winds.”
There is a lot of grass, trees and vegetation in the location the fire took place.
“I strongly believe the fire was caused by someone putting ashes in a pile behind the dumpsters. And, there was other piles of ashes there, so people have been doing this for some time,” said Mr. Addison.
“When ashes go out in a stove, the coals can still be hot and with a breeze outside they can fan the flames again,” said Mr. Addison. “I’ve heard ashes can still stay hot three days after they have been put out. Whoever put the ashes there probably didn’t know this. But it is not a good practice to put them in this area, they should have been hosed down.”
“Our message in all of this is that clearly you need to be careful, as ashes can reignite even after cold at night, especially with dry grass and high winds around,” said Mr. Addison. He added, “I’m going to recommend that the transfer station not accept ashes at the dump.”