KAGAWONG—Billings council has given its approval for a supplier which will provide an automated bulk water metered direct-payment system in the township.
“When the bulk water distribution system was moved from the fire hall to the water treatment plant, council directed staff to research and seek a suitable metered and automated payment system,” said Billings Mayor Bryan Barker at a council meeting last week. “This was included as a project in the 2024 capital budget in the amount of $15,000. Quotes had been sought, by the then CAO, even earlier (late 2023) from four firms. Of the companies approached for quotation, two responded, Conx Wireless and Flo-Crest Equipment.”
With a changeover in the township CAO position and the pressure of other projects the bulk water initiative was put off until this fall, said Mayor Barker. He explained the two companies were asked to submit revised quotes given that several months had passed, and because the specifications were clarified to include the fact that the system needed to accommodate both the high and low flow outlets.
A township staff message to council indicates the Conx system appears to be the most affordable and versatile. Staff viewed an online presentation and question and answer with the company.
A metered pay-as-you-go bulk water system is expected to contribute to be more efficient use of treated water in the Kagawong water system.
“This could be a little premature, but I was wondering if there has been any thought given to what the rates (for water accessed from the system) will be?” asked Councillor Ian Anderson. “I know tonight we are to be making the decision on the supplier of the equipment.”
Todd Gordon, municipal projects manager pointed out the bulk water rates will need to be established.
Councillor Vince Grogan said, “On behalf of the new township water committee, we endorsed this. This system seems to be the best way to capture missed opportunities in the township (for those using bulk water to pay a fee).”
Councillor Dave Hillyard questioned whether this system was a township budgeted item in 2024 through the tax base or on the capital water costs, to which Mayor Barker said the system is being funded by the water bank account.
“My other question is, once the system is in place, will it be limited to use by Billings residents or be available to users outside the township?” asked Councillor Hillyard.
It was explained by Mr. Gordon the system allows for more than one way to pay for water, so anyone that has the means to pay can get water from the system.
Council accepted the bid from Conx Wireless for $16,428.25 (inclusive of GST). Flo-Crest Equipment quote was for $30,187.50.