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Auxiliary News

Patient care is the main concern for the Auxiliary and much was accomplished in 2015.

The spring and fall luncheon and bazaars were a great success. Thank you to all who attend to support the local hospital. A lot of work goes on behind the scenes to make this a success.

Each year Dr. Dale Scott contributes to the Auxiliary through an annual bike run.

We have two raffles during the year. One is strictly a cash draw and this year the second featured a bedspread, Petro Canada gas cards and Foodland gift certificates.

In Memoriam donations are gratefully appreciated. This year we also initiated community collection boxes at local businesses. So far this has netted us $500.

Each month television is supplied free to all patients. Close to $57,000 was donated by the auxiliary to the hospital for equipment on their wish list. This included a four bed contribution to the Sweet Slumbers Campaign spearheaded by the Manitoulin Hospital Board. Forgot your toothbrush? Good grooming bags are sewn, filled and delivered to patients as needed. Six students of Manitoulin Secondary School receive $500 bursaries each year.

Membership is always a challenge in any organization. Everyone on our current executive is a valued volunteer. However, we find that some with many years of service are looking for a rest. To this end, we are looking for new volunteers with fresh ideas to join us. As the saying goes “many hands make light work.” The more people we have selling raffle tickets, making soup, and setting up and working at the lunches, the more fun we will all have.

Our last meeting was held February 17 at 1:30 pm in the boardroom of Central Manitoulin Offices. Generally we meet the third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm in the boardroom of the Mindemoya Hospital, but in the winter we try to meet during the day.

Please come out and contribute your valued time.

Article written by

Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff