The Manitoulin Health Centre Auxiliary October meeting was well-attended. The status of our financial accounts, patient services, money raised through fundraisers and upcoming events were priorities.
Based on our accounts, decisions were made to approve the following capital expenditures: a crash cart for in-patients at the Little Current site ($3,000); a bariatric bed and chair for in-patients at the Little Current site ($10,000); and $3,500 towards the cost of thermometers listed at $7,000. This is a commitment of $20,000 for patient services.
Every time you donate your money will enhance patient services. Those who throw their HELPP Lottery tickets into the recycle box are really winners because all money raised through HELPP Lottery must be used for equipment purchases. To pay for these purchases money was taken from the general account, In Memoriam and HELPP Lottery.
In addition to the regular fundraisers, coin boxes at various locations ($1,000 average per year and book sales at the farmers’ market this summer (more than $1,200) do well. The money goes into the general account. However, the Fill ‘er up Jug on the lottery table is slow. When you come in weekdays between 11 am and 1 pm remember to drop in a coin or two. Every nickel counts!
We have three upcoming events.
The Annual Harvest Sale is on Saturday, October 10 from 9 am till noon near the Post Office in Little Current. Lots of baking, preserves and produce in season are available. To donate, call Sue (705-368-2336), June (705-368-3654) or drop off your donation around 8:30 am.
Memory Tree ornaments and a Cookie Walk are being planned. Watch for details.
It was decided not to participate in the Christmas Fair this year.
Application has been made to the Hospital Auxiliaries Association of Ontario for funding to send two delegates to the November Convention in Toronto. One of our delegates is Ted Musgrove. Dianne Musgrove is attending as chair of the North Central Region. Her expenses are paid by the Hospital Auxiliaries Association of Ontario.
The members of the Manitoulin Health Centre Auxiliary strive to plan events and consider various means of fundraising to benefit those who use the Manitoulin Health Centre in Little Current. Are you doing your best to help? In addition to financial support, we need new members. Call Leona at 705-368-1709. It will cost you $2 a year!
The next regular meeting is on Thursday, November 5 at 7 pm in the Multi-Purpose Room upstairs at the Manitoulin Health Centre.