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Auxiliary News

The regular meeting was held on Thursday, May 7 in the Multi-Purpose Room. A new member, Shirley McGregor, was welcomed to the group. We are pleased to have an active member who is willing to participate in all of our fundraising activities. Shirley begins her regular turn on Tuesdays at the HELPP Lottery/tuck cart.

There are two auxiliary rocks under the Tree of Life. One rock is in commemoration of 70 years of continuous service, the other was awarded by the Manitoulin Health Centre for our efforts in the Sweet Slumbers Campaign for new beds. We have already donated $30,000 which is enough for three beds.

The 70th Anniversary of an auxiliary at the Little Current site was the highlight of our meeting. Decorations, photos and other memorabilia are evident in the showcase and in the cafeteria. Mugs are now available for $8. They can be purchased from the showcase, the tuck cart/ HELPP Lottery and at our 70th anniversary dinner. Quantities are limited so buy now to avoid disappointment.

Come and celebrate with us on Thursday, June 4 in the bar room at the Anchor Inn. Cocktails are at 5 pm and the buffet dinner is at 6 pm. The cost is $31 which includes tip and taxes. Presentations for service at various levels will be made. Dignitaries will be attending. Call Marilee Hore at 368-2547 by May 27 to reserve your seat.

Here is an update on some of our fundraisers.

The coin boxes around town have brought in $4,600 since 2010. That is impressive! Thank you for dropping in your change and bills to enable us to continue our services at the Manitoulin Health Centre.

The recent book sale was a bonus for those who attended. Two for the price of one is always popular. Over the past few years with the sales at the MHC and at the Farmers’ Market we have contributed a good sum. The sales at the NEMI Farmers’ Market begin on Saturday, May 16 from 9 till noon.

Raffle ticket sales are ongoing. Tickets are available from members for $5 each. The prizes are $1,000(1), $500(1) and $100(3). The draw is on Saturday, September 5 at the NEMI Farmers’ Market.

Vesey bulbs have been shipped so expect your orders soon.

Fundscrip is a fundraising activity that we have been trying to get off the ground since September. Here is an update from president Dave Sylvester.

We want to keep you up to date on our effort to see our Fundscrip Fundraising Program. Become an ongoing revenue source for our auxiliary. Fundscrip is a program hat allows you to purchase pre-paid cards (gift cards) for your everyday grocery, petro, clothing hardware and entertainment purchases. The MHC Auxiliary receives a percentage of the value of the cards that you purchase, The procedure for supporting us with your purchase of cards has changed. Previously, all cards had to be purchased together once per month. The original idea was to work toward total purchases that would grant us free shipping and then we distributed the cards to you. We were not able to achieve that level and courier fees each month reduced the commissions that were credited to us.

The new policy that we have been able to negotiate is called “Ship 96.” You can order a total of four cards and a total of $500 maximum and you pay .96 for mailing. This policy will be more suitable to our needs and cards are mailed directly to your home address. You can pay for your cards in three ways—with a credit card (although the auxiliary loses a percentage of the amount we would normally receive). If you are more comfortable supporting us by purchasing with a credit card, we still welcome your participation. You may choose to set up an EFT account, where they debit directly from your bank account. This is set up by forwarding a void cheque. The third way is to set Fundscrip up as a bill payee with your electronic banking. Once you place your order they provide the account info you will need to put in your bill payee information. It is our hope that we will receive Island-wide support. This new policy for ordering directly will make it easer for everyone to participate. Proceeds are donated to the Manitoulin Health centre and its fund-raising programs for patient care and capital equipment purchases.

Visit, select support a group and enter invitation code J75EH7.

Our next regular auxiliary meeting is on Thursday, September 10 at 7 pm in the Multi-Purpose Room.

Have a healthy, happy, active summer!

Article written by

Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff