Home Columns Aundeck Omni Kaning unveils new cenotaph momument

Aundeck Omni Kaning unveils new cenotaph momument


AUNDECK OMNI KANING—A new monumental structure stands sentinel outside the Four Directions Complex in Aundeck Omni Kaning (AOK) First Nation as the community unveiled a new cenotaph on November 11. The Sergeant Golden Silver Star Memorial Rifle Team (adopted by the First Nation as its official rifle team) were on hand to fire a salute as part of the unveiling and Remembrance ceremonies.

The monument, which will act as a symbol of Remembrance to the community’s veterans was created by Gary King, great grandson of Stanley McGraw, an AOK veteran, and was planned and supervised by Vic King. The base was constructed by respected community elder Ken Madahbee and his crew. The monument was unveiled by Vic King and Frank Corbiere. Opening remarks were provided by Chief Patsy Corbiere and Audrey Stone acted as master of ceremonies at the initial gathering held inside the Four Direction Complex.

The singing of O Canada in both Anishinaabemowin and English was performed by Lynndra Madahbee and Taylor Goodfellow. Paula Kakekagumick recited ‘I Will Not Fear’ and Joan Cranney delivered Psalm 23: 1-6. The Act of Remembrance was read by Kendall Boyter and Lilly Atkinson and Paula Kakekagumick recited ‘In Flanders Fields,’ while Kendall Boyter delivered the Commitment to Remember. A colour guard of community members bore flags outside to the monument, with carriers Arlene Fournier, Kendra Madahbee/Peltier, Lynndra Madahbee, May Abotossaway and Mandy Mandodakin.

The flags were mounted in specialty holders on the monument. The rituals of the last post, two moments of silence and reveille were conducted by the rifle team, along with a 21-gun salute. Chief Corbiere read out the names of the community’s veterans, “Leonard Abotossaway, William Alexander Abotossaway, Lloyd Albert Abotossaway, James Victor Abotossaway, Vernon Charles Abotossaway, Samson Abotossaway, William Fredrick Abotossaway, Stewart Glenville, Ronald Owl, Richard McGraw, Stanley Wilson McGraw, Cecilia Mackey, Austin Corbiere, Johnson McMahon, Vivian Pond, Ivan Pitawaniquat, Douglas Sellen, Mike Sellen and Herbert Trudeau.” The community then went inside for a community roast beef dinner feast.


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