MANITOWANING—Anyone who owns a trailer in Assiginack Township who has not paid a licence fee will soon be required to.
Township CAO Alton Hobbs told council at a meeting last week, “there are a number of people that have not come forward to purchase a trailer licence. In the new year we will be collecting these fees.”
The cost to the township of lost revenues with people not paying their trailer licence fees is around $15,000, said Mr. Hobbs.
“I am just alerting council to what we are doing, because it’s not going to be popular,” said Mr. Hobbs. He pointed out that a township bylaw allows the township to add unpaid trailer licence fees to a ratepayer’s tax bill.
He said this process is in keeping with the rest of the province, including several on Manitoulin Island.
“We have to enforce this,” stated Councillor Jennifer Hooper.