Home News Local Assiginack Township passes zero percent increase budget

Assiginack Township passes zero percent increase budget


MANITOWANING—As has been the case for many years, Assiginack Township council has passed a zero percent municipal budget increase for the year.

“When was the last time there was an increase (in the municipal tax rate budget),” asked Councillor Rob Maguire at a meeting last week.

“We think it has been at least nine years,” said Alton Hobbs, township deputy clerk. “We didn’t have an increase in the tax rates during the previous term of council and the term before that.”

While confirming that the municipal budget for this year is for a zero percent increase, Mayor Brenda Reid said many projects are still moving forward.

“One change we made is that we are tendering out for having half of the roads resurfaced this year, and then in three years we will have the other half of the township roads resurfaced,” said Mayor Reid. “This will mean basically three times the normal amount of roads will be resurfaced.”

The budget includes the rebuilding of the current salt shed building at the public works building, finishing the High Falls bridge area with landscaping, picnic tables and a ramp to the bridge. As well, the Pioneer Home museum needs new cedar shakes and a small storage building. The township is putting money into the budget for work to be done on either, and the museum board will decide which project will go ahead this year.

“We are putting money into renovating the entrance to the landfill (that will allow for both an entrance and exit),” said Mayor Reid. The township is purchasing a new plow truck for public works that will be paid off over five years, and street lines will be repainted.

Engineering cost funding of $60,000 has been put in the budget for possible use at the arena or other places in the township, with final decisions on where this will be used to be made.

Council is also striking a new parks and recreation committee this year, the first time such a committee will be in place in Assiginack in several years. “The committee will include two councillors, and we are putting out a request for three other people to join the committee,” said Mayor Reid.

“We are putting in funds for new equipment, one being to replace the motor in our public works department Branson tractor, and ($5,000 out of reserves) for repair of the stairs to the marina (beside the municipal office),” continued Mayor Reid. Funds of about $40,000 have been taken out of township reserves for repairs of some of the docks at the marina, and the solar panels on the public works garage will be replaced. “We are also looking to put up a columbarium at the cemetery. We may also use funds for access to the cenotaph and if not this year, then it will go into next years budget,” said Mayor Reid. “We have also started a reserve (fund) for a (new) chiller and brine pump at the arena.”

“We also have a grant of $81,000 a year over five years to rehabilitation of infrastructure affected by resource development in the township,” said Mayor Reid.

“We have added $30,000 toward gravel work this year, with another $15,000 towards ditching,” said Mayor Reid, who pointed out it will be up to the township roads superintendent which roads this work will be carried out on.

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