GORE BAY—The Sherron Clarke Memorial Carp Derby returned in fine fashion this past weekend, after a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic.
Cody Hunter, (who along with Kaleigh Harrietha) organized the derby this year announced that the first place team was the John Seabrook team, with 149 points. The Seabrook team, which won a prize of $200 included John Seabrook, Kim Chatwell, Landon Seifried, Noah Thorpe, Jolie Labranche and Jay Lebranche.
Taking second place with 25 points and winning a prize of $150 was the Cody Hunter team, while the Joe Merrylees and Ron Hall teams tied for second, each with 24 points. The tie-breaker was won by the Merrylees team which harvested more carp.
The largest fish prize was won by the Dustin Woods team, with a fish weighing 22.33 pounds. The smallest fish prize was won by Mr. Seabrook’s team, with a fish weighing 3.28 pounds.
The Ron Hall team won the prize for the most unique garbage collected in the derby, a plastic slide.
The first-place prize for the most fish harvested on Saturday was won by the Seabrook team, which harvested 94 fish. This team also won for most fish on Sunday, 45.
The Don Chilton Mystery Draw, for next year’s entry fee, was won by the Dustin Woods team.
“There were a total of eight teams in the derby, with 33 people taking part,” said Mr. Hunter. These totals included nine junior participants, three new shooters, and no new teams.”
On Saturday, a total of 137 fish were harvested, 126 carp and 11 dogfish, while on Sunday a total of 61 fish were harvested, 51 carp and 10 dogfish. The grand total for the weekend was 198 fish harvested, 177 carp and 21 dog fish.
Both Landon Seifried and Jolie Labrance harvested their first fish in the derby.
Sponsors for this year’s derby included Lafarge, Jill Patterson, Williamson’s Up Top Sports Shop and Island Promotional Products.