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Accolades for a balanced Canada Day editorial

It is time to dedicate our efforts wholeheartedly to solving indigenous issues

To the Expositor:

Your most recent editorial celebrating this fine country (‘There is much to celebrate about our imperfect nation,’ June 28, Page 4), while at the same time placing in context our significant failures with respect to our First Nations, was the best and most honest I have ever read; if only other countries would face up to their own limitations and failures with the same degree of honesty the world would certainly be much better off!

May I add one suggestion for effective action to help deal with the appalling conditions which so many of our indigenous citizens still face? I have long supported Canadian efforts to help those who suffer around the world and I trust that these efforts will continue but perhaps it is time to devote the majority of our efforts and money (for the next five years plus?) to help deal directly with the long-standing problems we face here in our own country. If we did so we could then truly hold our Canadian heads high in the global community!


Eric Balkind
Gore Bay

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff