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Accident documentary puts family, friends through pain

To the Expositor:

I read with interest the article that Shirley Harasym and her daughter want to do a documentary on “the accident of 1980” (“Documentary film to look at 1970 car crash” The Manitoulin Expositor, Page 3, January 18, 2012.) I really hope that they will think long and hard about this and change their minds. I was a good friend of all the kids from Manitowaning who were involved in the horrific accident. No one can imagine what the families and friends went through and are still going through today. The memorial plaque which was dedicated in 2010 in memory of all who were in the accident was a wonderful tribute and a quiet way for us all to remember, and I feel there is no reason to put family and friends through this again. We will always remember these kids in our hearts forever. I feel the documentary is not necessary. We all remember that day and will never forget them each in our own way.

“Let all rest in peace.”

Beth (Hunter) McDougall

Providence Bay


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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff