To the Expositor:
Thank you Manitowaning for a fun March Break.
Sincere thanks to Jackie White for her generosity to coordinate such a great venture and to all those who prepared so well to guide the workshops at the arena and of course thanks too to all those assistants and for the refreshments too—such community spirit is great to witness.
At the arena on Wednesday evening, March 18, three workshops were full to the brim with eager kids making bathhouses, decorating cookies and ‘grow your own’ gardens. It was awesome to see so many parents and grandparents present, meeting, chatting and enjoying the joyful noise.
The workshops were so well organized, with helpful guides leading the instruction. From building and painting the take home bathouse to learning that bats eat 600 mosquitoes every hour, to a spring theme for cookie decorating with lots of finger licking icing, and those yummy colourful jelly beans to recycling those ‘throw away’ coffee pods into egg cartons to grow your own tomato seeds with watering instructions (Myra) and a pot to paint!
“I would do it again in a heartbeat!” said Fintan Balfe, nine-years-old.
“I would go back next year!” added Myra Balfe, seven-years-old.
“I hope they have it again because I love cookies!” said Amelia Balfe, five-years-old, and Grandpa Balfe.
I heard that leprechauns visited Manitowaning on St. Patrick’s Day Something about a leprechaun village being built? Some youngsters could probably tell you more.
Mary Balfe