Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor A plea for stability and accountability from a concerned Tehkummah taxpayer

A plea for stability and accountability from a concerned Tehkummah taxpayer


No intention to cause offence—just a plea for the “nonsense to cease”

To the Expositor:

As a concerned taxpayer of Tehkummah Township, I would like to ask the question that’s on a lot of minds these days. How and where are our hard-earned dollars spent? This would appear to be a simple, straight forward query to most municipal bodies as they are, in fact, a business and businesses are managed by implementing a budget, each department being allotted a portion of the income. This is where Tehkummah differs from most, as we have not had a budget for years. This is only one of numerous issues plaguing the taxpayers.

Council meetings are a joke, a waste of time and money with topics going in circles, arguing, in-fighting and finger pointing. In the end, not much is accomplished.

Present reeve and council are elected to manage municipal affairs in the best interest of the taxpayers. Three and a half years later we are, in my opinion, worse off than when we started. I strongly present handling money over to people who can’t account for how they spend it. They are, after all, accountable to the ratepayer. I have been wondering lately if it is possible for any interested parties to place their property tax payments into an escrow account (Funk and Wagnall’s definition of this is: A written deed, contract, etc., placed in the custody of a third party and effective upon fulfillment of a stipulated condition).

Another bone of contention is our clerk, who is under suspension by council, yet we still pay her wages. Should we not allow her to do the job she was hired to perform?

One more question before closing. How close to bankruptcy are we? My guess is we’re on the brink, with one foot on a banana peel.

Remember the great Easter egg hunt debate back in March? This township has been made a laughing stock and out of respect for all of Tehkummah ratepayers, council should either collectively pull its head from out of its nether regions and get on with the business at hand or step down as a whole.

This letter was written from a canoe, up the proverbial “brown creek” with nary a paddle in sight. A paddle is not really necessary though since the creek is so thick I could step out and walk on it!

Respectfully yours,

Tammie Kay

P.S. It is not my intention to offend, it is a plea for the nonsense to cease.


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