GORE BAY—In the quiet town of Gore Bay, a heartwarming story unfolded this fall, bringing neighbours together in an unexpected act of kindness. It all began on November 4, when a doe was spotted wandering through the area with a shiny plastic ring around her neck. The unusual sight quickly became a hot topic in the online group What’s Doin’ On the Manitoulin where locals affectionately nicknamed her “The Bling Deer.”
The “bling” turned out to be the metal ring from a garbage receptacle at Manitoulin Lodge. While it gave the doe a unique appearance, it posed a real concern for her safety. Determined to help, the Gore Bay community sprang into action. Over the weeks that followed, they contacted the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) multiple times, sharing sightings and hoping to ensure the doe received the help she needed.
As November turned into December, the doe remained a frequent visitor in the area, sparking conversations and uniting residents in their mission to protect her. Then, on December 11, there was a joyous update: the doe was spotted by a keen-eyed Expositor reporter—completely free of her “bling.” To everyone’s delight, she looked noticeably healthier and a bit heavier, a testament to her resilience and the care of her community. The manner in which the deer was freed remains a mystery.
This touching tale of Gore Bay’s “Bling Deer” serves as a reminder the compassion people can show for the animals who share their space. For the residents of Gore Bay, it was more than just a story—it was a moment that brought them closer together.