Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor A broadside against the Liberals from Paisley

A broadside against the Liberals from Paisley


To the Expositor:

If you or I were to misappropriate a few dollars we would be branded as a criminal and sent to jail. What has happened to our society that we allow the Liberal government of Ontario to misappropriate a billion dollars then say, “I’m sorry” and run for re-election as if it never happened? What has happened to the moral compass of the citizens of Ontario when polls show that these same Liberals may be in position to win re-election?

I see the “Anyone but Hudak” campaign and can’t help but wonder how can you consider voting for a liberal government that misappropriated a billion tax-payer dollars to further their own political ends, wasted 500 million on slots at race tracks, blew millions on E-Health, Ornge, OPG, and OLG fiascos, is going to rise your hydro bill by 46 percent and is preparing to put a 10 cent a litre tax on our gas? Even if Hudak does all the “bad” things you say he is going to do it wouldn’t be humanly possible for him to create as many fiascos as the Liberals have created during their tenure.

I for one was impressed that Hudak said he would step aside if he did not deliver on his plan in two years. He is taking responsibility for his actions; Something Ms. Wynne has not done to this day.

Gaye Smith



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