GORE BAY – The Town of Gore Bay municipal office will be moving into a transition period involving staff roles and responsibilities.
After 36 years with the Town of Gore Bay, Annette Clarke has announced her imminent retirement. As of February 1, 2020, Ms. Clarke will no longer be operating in her capacity as CAO/clerk-treasurer, a release states.
Ms. Clarke, “along with Pam Bond will return to the municipal office to train the existing staff to have a smooth transition in fulfilling their new roles and responsibilities.”
Stasia Carr has been promoted to the position of clerk for the town. She has completed the Municipal Administration Program through AMCTO (Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario) and has been training as clerk for the past year. Ms. Clarke will be mentoring Ms. Carr to take on the CAO position.
Annette Graff continues to be trained as deputy treasurer. In the absence of a treasurer she will fulfill the duties of that role.
Marlene Witty will continue on in her role as office assistant.
As well, a new position has been created. The town office is seeking an administrative assistant to join the team.
The office is actively pursuing finding a suitable replacement to fill the position of treasurer. The services of a head hunter have been utilized to find the best candidate to fill the position.
“We wish to assure you that business will carry out as usual. As always, we look forward to serving the community of Gore Bay,” the release adds.