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Gore Bay reaches agreement for barbecue food trailer amid noise bylaw concerns

GORE BAY – Gore Bay council and the owners of Hawgeaters BBQ, a mobile food trailer business in town, have come to an agreement that sees the business moving back to where it had originally been located in the town parking lot, but moving a generator used to power it closer to Phipps Street to cut down on the noise created. The town had received complaints from local businesses that the noise from the food vendor’s generator was too loud, and this had precipitated the town requesting they move to a different location (in the parking lot). 

“We have received a vendor permit appeal,” said Gore Bay mayor Dan Osborne at a council meeting held this past Monday. It was pointed out that adjoining businesses have complained about the generator noise. Town staff had directed Hawgeaters to be located west of the bottle return building, past the middle of the parking lot. The business owners had also been advised that under town policy they would have to move their trailer out of the parking lot nightly. 

Mayor Osborne noted that the town has a policy in place, and that the issue didn’t need to be discussed by council at the meeting. It could go back to committee for a recommendation and back to council.

“I don’t know why we can’t discuss this tonight,” said Councillor Ken Blodgett. He said it would take at least another month for a recommendation to come back to council. “Personally, I think we should discuss this tonight and free (Wayne and Sandra Tuffin) to operate their business. I am not aware of the policy that they have to remove their trailer every night. I have difficulty understanding what purpose this serves.”

“That was part of the policy that had been passed by (previous) council,” said Mayor Osborne.

“I don’t think they (Hawgeaters) should have to move their trailer every night,” said Councillor Leeanne Woestenenk. 

Councillor Blodgett suggested Hawgeaters could move their trailer back to the original location at the northeast corner of the town parking lot adjacent to where The Source used to be located, and have the generator moved back a distance towards the Royal Canadian Legion and hooked up to an extended power cord) to supply it power, it would be better for the business and would should alleviate complaints made by neighbouring people about the noise created. I think this would work,” he said.

Councillor Paulie Nodecker noted that Hawgeaters has been taking up more parking spaces in the town parking lot than had originally been agreed upon. It was pointed out that the food trailer and truck take up a total of four parking spots.

Originally the Tuffins had requested their business be located near the town Harbour Centre. Councillor Nodecker asked what they would prefer now.

“We would rather be up town,” said Mr. Tuffin. 

Ms. Tuffin pointed out the business runs a Honda EU700iS generator. “The decibel level is at a capacity of 52-58. Conversational speech is 60 decibles. This is the reason we bought the generator we did because it is the quietest there is.”

Councillor Blodgett noted that by moving the generator back towards the Legion about 100 feet it would probably solve the problem. “And if there is still a problem we can deal with it at that time.” 

“I’ll put forward a motion to have Hawgeaters move back to where they had been located and move the generator back. If not we can look at another option,” said Councillor Blodgett. 

Mr. Tuffin noted he can move the generator back roughly 100 feet from the trailer and can take the cover off the truck and face the food trailer truck to the north (toward the centre of the town parking lot). “Hopefiully this will solve the problem,” he said.

“And I don’t think they need to move their trailer every night,” said Councillor Blodgett.

Council passed a motion that Hawgeaters mobile food trailer move back to its original location at the northeast corner of the town parking lot and have the generator located 100 feet towards Phipps Street and be allowed to remain in its location permanently for the summer instead of having to be moved every night.

The Tuffins had appealed council’s earlier decision to have the trailer moved as they indicated in their letter of appeal they were not told there was a problem or given a chance to correct it. They also had concerns with the proposal to move the trailer every night as it is a very heavy unit and difficult to move every day; and they would not be guaranteed their place would not be occupied in the morning when they arrived, making it nearly impossible to move it into proper position.

Article written by

Tom Sasvari
Tom Sasvari
Tom Sasvari serves as the West Manitoulin news editor providing almost all of the editorial content of The Manitoulin West Recorder. Mr. Sasvari is a graduate of North Bay’s Canadore College School of Journalism and has been employed on Manitoulin Island, at the Manitoulin West Recorder, for more than a quarter-century. Mr. Sasvari is also an active community volunteer. His office is in Gore Bay.
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