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LETTERS: A heartfelt thanks to the Northeast Town road crews

Fingers crossed this seemingly endless winter will soon blossom into spring

To the Expositor:

As indicated in the editorial in last week’s paper (Municipal road crews deserve appreciation not vitriol) this has been an unusually snowy winter and with climate change, may unfortunately become more the norm than a one off. We would like to say that we personally have found the snow a challenge (like everyone else), trying to keep not only walkways clear but access to various service outlets (like fuel fill access) when there becomes no place to put the snow. The NEMI road crews have been going steady, doing a fabulous job on roads we would not even be willing to venture out on, but they must in order to keep the travellers safe. 

As a town councillor, business owner and residents of NEMI, we would like to say thank you to all the NEMI road and sidewalk crews for the hard work they have done this 2018/2019 winter season.  We would also like to thank the prompt response we get from Kevin Aelick who comes to sand the driveway to help keep us and our customers safe when things get icy. Fingers crossed there is an end in sight to this winter, and soon the lakes will be rippling with sun across the unfrozen waters.

Barbara and Dale Baker

Little Current

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff