SHESHEGWANING—There was a real family welcoming atmosphere at the annual Sheshegwaning First Nation Powwow held this past weekend. The community celebrated its 24th annual powwow with visitors from such places as Thunder Bay, Toronto, Hamilton and Mount Pleasant, Michigan in attendance.

“Good afternoon, I’m Dean Roy, chief of Sheshegwaning First Nation,” said Chief Roy as he addressed the gathering prior to the grand entry to open the two day powwow this past Saturday.

“At this time we would like to acknowledge all the folks who volunteered to help put the powwow on,” said Chief Roy, “including Loretta Roy, the powwow coordinator. Those who brought sacred items, the drums, singers and all those involved. On behalf of council I would like to welcome everyone here today.”

Elder Adeline Sampson provided the invocation. “I want to say thank you to everyone who has come from near and far to attend our annual powwow. I want to say thank you to the Creator for this glorious day.”

“Give us all the strength to look after our neighbours with care, the way we should be looking to take care of each other,” said Ms. Sampson. “I would like to acknowledge and thank council on the way it works together; we still have a long way to go but we are definitely on the right track. We give thanks to the Creator for the water we have, the children and the animals, fish and food that we have.”

Master of Ceremonies Roger Daybutch introduced head dancers Zack Anwhatin Jackson and Brianna Owl on Saturday afternoon.

Mr. Daybutch explained, “we hold powwows in celebration of bringing people together, everywhere in Canada. It provides the opportunity for people to come home and visit with family and friends. We will  be holding the grand entry ceremony, which is one of the most spiritual of our ceremonies.”

Chi-Geezis Singers were the host drum on Saturday, with the guest drum being Thunder Spirit. The arena director was John Fox.

As part of the grand entry ceremony the colours were posted to the accompaniment of a veterans song by Chi-Geezis Singer.

During the day Mr. Daybutch called the Sheshegwaning First Nation Powwow grounds among the best to be found in North America.