The April meeting had three main parts: the Regular Meeting, recognition of Volunteer Activities and the Annual Meeting.
Plans for the Spaghetti Dinner in Manitowaning at 6 o’clock on Saturday, April 21 in the Knox United Church Hall were finalized. Tickets are $12 and are available from members, at the Tuck Cart Room from 11 am to 1 pm from Monday to Friday and in Manitowaning from Joyce White, Ila Lloyd and Paula Fields. Call Elaine Moore for tickets and donations (368-3038). Entertainment will be provided by Doug Hore, Maurice Labelle and Robert Shawana. It’s a chance to enjoy a yummy supper, toe-tapping music and chatting with friends and neighbours.
NEMI Volunteer Night is on Wednesday, April 18 at 7 pm at the NEMI Rec Centre. All MHC members are invited and encouraged to attend to be with others who volunteer their time and talents for the greater good. At a time when volunteerism is ebbing in many groups, it’s important to be with those who share your aspirations to help and to enjoy a social event that’s just for volunteers.
Plans for the Spring Conference of HAAO (Hospital Auxiliaries Association of Ontario) on May 4,5 and 6 at the NEMI Rec Centre were discussed. The joint venture with the Mindemoya Auxiliary promises to be educational, uplifting and should generate enthusiasm for Auxiliary volunteerism. The main speakers are Roxanne Makela, Dianne Musgrove and Lorraine Evoy.
Tickets for the cash raffle are on sale. For $5 you have the opportunity to win $1,000, $500 or $100 (x3).
Auxiliary representative reports were given. Coin boxes bring in an average of $1,100 a year. Thank you for your nickels, dimes and quarters! Other reports were deferred to the annual meeting as each representative presents a written summary of the year’s activity.
Derek Graham, CEO, Terry Olmstead, board chair and Lynn Foster, CFO represented the hospital and the board for the presentation of a certificate to the auxiliary. Derek Graham spoke of the impact the MHC Auxiliary has in building community through our volunteer efforts. Recognition and encouragement are always affirming. After the presentation we enjoyed a beautiful cake and refreshments provided and served by Derek Graham and Lynn Foster. Thank you to our guests. You made us feel special.
The annual meeting featured representative reports, elections for the executive and naming of Activity representatives. All reports showed growth. The treasurer’s report showed substantial donations for equipment purchases and other purchases that focus on patient comfort.
Election results are as follows: President-Elaine Moore; Vice-President Dawn Orr; Treasurer Marilee Hore and Secretary Sue Lafreniere. Representatives named are as follows: In Memoriam Barbara Lawrence; Publicity Carole Labelle; Goodwill Dianne Musgrove; Membership Leona Sylvester; Tuck Cart\Showcase Barbara Lawrence and Ann Slaught; H.E.L. P.P. Lottery-Marilee Hore; Coin Boxes Dave Sylvester; Board Liaison Elaine Moore; Facebook Carole Labelle. Congratulations and thank you for your leadership.
The next regular meeting is May 8 at 7 pm in the Multi-purpose Room upstairs. You are welcome to attend and even just come and join us to get an idea of what we do. It’s you who can give your time to make sure that the MHC Auxiliary can continue to function!