Meals on Wheels delivered by the Sudbury returnees. Dave had his eyes lasered today (Tuesday).
I didn’t tell you, Betty Jean gave me a tour in Providence Bay. Streets I hadn’t ever been on. Didn’t know it was such a “Big” place.
Cribbage, four and half tables (Wednesday): high hand, Brad, 24; first, Dorothy and Brad, 960; second, Donna and Doris, 940; third, Dorothy and Margaret C, 929; low, Hugh and Noreen, heart chocolates; door, Marg C, Mary J, Margaret M; two extra prizes, Mary and Sheila.
The library’s Wednesday Open House, coffee and goodies. Seems to be quite an interesting spot. Jan McMurray is some time in the future going to do a workshop on book folding. It is quite unique. Sounds good too. the library is sponsoring a fun day March, 3 from 10 to 3 with various activities. It’s all free, so watch for signs.
Another upcoming March 11, pancakes and cards supper.
Our church is being held at the hall; March 18th potluck, 1pm with music, $5.
I talked to my daughter for a half an hour this Thursday morning, the longest time for us. She had fallen on the ice yesterday and hit her back on the step, so she was on a couple of days work holiday. Ouch!
Sherry told me that Audrey Moggy had passed away. Sympathy to the family.
Euchre had eight and a half tables. Yogi, Tracy and Jeanine were on K.P: first and second tied with 79 points, Bill and Betty Jean, John and Pat N; third, Laurene and Dave, 78; fourth, Rita and Marg, 76; low, Janet and Diane, 43; Rita and Marg won 6 lone hands; door prize, Anna.
Get well Marion Case.
Anniversary wishes to Justeen and Ron, and another special Tehk couple.
My tulips are beautiful this week. Think Spring, love to all.
Reminder, free public skating Providence Bay arena, Saturday, 7-9 pm; Sunday, 1-3 pm.