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Tehkummah Talk & Times

Aahhh, sunshine, Tuesday. When I went to bed there was a band of light on the horizon.  So I’m not sure of the time, but now it is pretty close to 11 am. I woke up trapped, my arm was tied down, panic, I had climbed into the bathtub somewhere about 5 am. When I crawled back into bed, I just had my bathrobe on and somehow my arm had got down under the belt? Was I paralyzed? But I sure slept well those few? hours.

I was talking to Mollie last evening. She is heading back to Winnipeg today on the bus. We didn’t get an awful lot of together time, but we did manage some.

Derek and Jodi went to Elliot Lake on Monday to help her Mum and Dad celebrate their 64th wedding anniversary. Congratulations, Don and Betty King! Sherry figured they had gone on to Ottawa too, to see the grands, Desmond and Declan. Well their son Tory and Amelia, too (but they didn’t).

I’ve been snacking on some good cheese. Sister Susan found a whole tray in her downstairs fridge that had somehow got missed by the many bodies she welcomed into her home on Friday and Saturday nights. Thank you to all who carried food into our homes (Pauline and Wayne’s too), this past weekend, and all those wonderful deserts too! Susan’s huge house surely got well tested for strength and durability? Thanks, too, for all the beautiful floral tributes. We girls all have an arrangement. So much gratitude for the amazing Island Funeral home and the wonderful Gloria and Tony and how comfortable their place is. With the dog, cat, and child, compassionate and caring. We sisters, Pauline, Susan and Mollie, thank you so much, as you helped us all on a journey that could have been so much more difficult. As we travelled the road that day, we reminisced, laughed as we recalled different parts of our past. We stopped and had a bite to eat at Green Acres. My sister Peg had not yet arrived, having health issues of her own lately. It’s rare that we are all together. But Susan and Simon’s house had us all under one roof, and the church, too, of course, and the hall.

Well, it’s official, Alicia, Ginger used the cat stairs at 9:30 Wednesday morning. She had been going around them. So, thanks so much, we both appreciate the gift. (Oh, she may have tried them out while I was sleeping?)

Cribbage, 5.5 tables: high hand, Donna, 24; first, Lori and Rick, 950; second, Laura and Pat, 940; third, Cal and I, 937; low, Donna and Vi, 828; door, Pat H (me), Vi Howard, Hugh Corbett. Thanks for the good lunches, folks.

Audrie Williamson’s birthday today, but she is celebrating at home, happy 101. I called in and had a visit on the 16th. She said she had lots of phone calls.

Happy birthday, November 25, Barbara Bowerman and Liz Stillwaugh, Carol Smith on the 24th.

What a windy, cold day today.

My cousin Dodds has gone home to Toronto, so that must be good news. Derek has found a bug of some kind; he’s all stuffy and they are to fly home to Mackenzie.

Euchre tournament, seven and a half tables. Margaret McCarthy on K.P. duty: lone hands tied with 5, Hugh and Lyla, Simon and Marg, Dave and Laurene; first place, Hugh and Lyla, 74; second, Simon and Marg, 72; third, Ted and Ruth, 70; tied with 69, Marg and Marlaina and Laurene and Dave; low, Janet and Glen, 49; door, Marlaina, Dorothy and I were working for it.

Well, here I am, almost 3 am, Sunday. I can’t sleep so I’ll write. The turkey dinner (St. Andrew’s fundraiser) was just delicious. They seemed like they had lots of help, and the weather, I think, discouraged some from trying the roads as the crowd was down, so I hear. We went for the second setting, Sherry, Dave, Ray and Tara. We sat across from John and Sharon Savage who braved the roads. Nice visit too (update on Winnie their dog). Pauline and Susan had take-out at Mum’s appointment earlier. I was there too, mostly visiting but going through some stuff that Mum saved, is so memorable and priceless, i.e. cards and notes from grandkids, etc. On Friday too, I was there a lot of my day (not including nap time). It was a good time to be gone, as there was the stomping and pounding of (each little hoof) wrong story! Men on my roof, putting strapping on for a steel roof, and today, a lot of the steel went on, quick stuff. In the evening, Susan and I went to Knox Church hall for the fundraiser. Robbie Shawanda, Daniel George and Doug Hore put on a great program, a good two hours at least. They raised over $500 for a very humble and grateful Kate Janoki who came from her waitress job at Green Acres and got to see part of the show. The ladies served up a nice lunch and refreshments. Thank you all.

I’m not on Facebook, and no one told me that Helen Wilson’s funeral was out of our church here in Tekhummah Saturday morning. So sorry I missed it. Helen, Burt and family lived in the house in South Baymouth that was converted into a gift shop, pizza place and now Carol’s and Earl’s restaurant. Now that was a few years back too, like the ‘50s? Sympathy to the family.

Derek and Jodi flew back west Saturday morning. Derek had got a bad cold while here.

Wasn’t it just a couple of weeks ago we all were on the bus trip to the Sault? Glen was having pain and then I heard had passed away. Sympathy to Beth, family and their many friends. Prayers are with you.

Our sermon on Sunday was all about friends. I was late getting to church. My van doors froze up again! This is an ongoing problem.

Had a visit with cousin Joan while my focaccia bread was rising, back home to bake it. Stopped at Cal’s on my way to the camp, he opted out! But there were lots of folks and lots of food, the annual pot luck before hunt dinner. “Big Buck award,” Kim won for last year, and Kim’s team against Sherry’s team in the karaoke contest. Kim was best overall, but Sherry and Jacob were the stars of our team. Each team had to do two group songs, two duets, and two solos, pretty impressive, weren’t we!

Nora Deforge’s birthday, 17th, happy birthday and also to Marg Case, 21st.

Ruth introduced me to Neil at the Saturday night supper. He’s the young man who bought Fred and Sheila’s farm.

Sherry was just in, Jacob had hurt his thumb, and I guess that means no hunt for him. X rays in the morning. Says I should mention some of our menu for our theme “Canada 150.” We had macaroni lobster casserole, moose cabbage rolls, venison steak wrapped in Canadian bacon, venison pepperoni, plus salads, homemade rolls, baked beans, etc. etc. It was yummy, our team: Sherry, Rick, Travis, Jacob, Pauline, Steve and me. Kim’s team: Lori, Tara, Wayne, Hank, Ray, Tory. John M.C and music monitor.

Saw George Arnold at the supper on Saturday night at the hall, never got talking to Nancy, but you know, not the usual hunters we see there!

Hey, a cheery thought! Christmas is on its way with seasonal events and it’s just a month till our sun swings back to lengthen the days. That’s if we ever see the sun!

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff