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Manitoulin Health Centre Auxiliary News

The president opened the meeting by commenting on how wonderful it was to have a full house of members present.

The focus of the meeting was fundraising. The first event is our annual casserole dinner on Friday, March 10 at 6 pm in the United Church Hall in Little Current. Some tickets are still available, contact a member, come to the Tuck Cart Room (Monday to Friday 11 am to 1 pm). Tickets are still only $10. Come and enjoy a variety of casseroles and the decorations celebrating Canada’s 150th. There are also some special surprises. Don’t miss the “best dinner in town.”

The next events are new. There is a spaghetti dinner at Knox United Church Hall in Manitowaning on April 29 at 6 pm. This is the first time we’ve held an event outside Little Current for ages! There are many members and friends of the Auxiliary in the area and we encourage your support to continue our work for patient services. Details will be in the next Auxiliary News.

Three events are in the discussion stage: how to celebrate Canada’s 150th, a mystery dinner theatre and a tea party.

Tickets for the cash raffle will be available soon. The first prize is $1,000, the second is $500 and third is three prizes of $100. Your help would be appreciated for ticket-selling. Call Marilee at 368-2547 for information. You would have to be a member to sell them. Membership is $2 a year.

The Spring Conference of Region 10 is on May 5, 6, and 7 in Blind River. Delegates attending are Elaine Moore, Yvonne Sellen, June McConnell, Carmelita Genereux, Shirley McGregor and Carole Labelle. Marilee Hore, Dianne Musgrove and Ted Musgrove will attend at the provincial level.

The meeting on April 6 includes the annual meeting. The executive members are elected and the auxiliary representatives are chosen\appointed. As well, reports are given by the president and the auxiliary representatives on the past year’s activities.

In her closing remarks, the president, Elaine Moore, highlighted fundraising with the basic question, “Why do we fundraise?” There is only one answer! Patients first! Anything that will make a hospital stay as comfortable and pleasant as possible is worth working for. The Auxiliary recently spent $28,800 to buy new TV sets for all patient rooms. Television is free at the Manitoulin Health Centre! That’s a lot of fundraising! That’s a lot of raffle tickets, HELPP Lottery tickets, chips, bars, gum and other goodies as well as coin boxes, dinners, sales, book sales, In Memoriam donations and other donations. Monthly we have expenses for cable, Wahl water on the patient floor, headsets and items for patient care bags. Please continue to support Auxiliary activities as the money is spent for patient care. Fundraising for new equipment is ongoing.

You make the Auxiliary work! Become a member so that the work will continue.

For your information, a news item on CBC Marketplace about the high cost of TV in Ontario hospitals showed that a patient might pay up to $17 a day for TV. Here it’s free! Support the MHC Auxiliary for excellence in enhancing patient care.

Article written by

Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff