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Further commentary on an Expositor editorial

Much like a snake eating its own tail for survival, we may not realize until it is too late

To the Expositor:

Re: The editorial in the January 11, 2017 edition of the Expositor: ‘Society must prepare for a technological tsunami.’

The author mentions some of the life changes that will result from new artificial intelligence and autonomous robotics and the possible ruinous effects on those in society who are not part of the wealthy and privileged. Not only are humans “becoming totally obsolete” and will have difficulty in adjusting to the new changes due to the speed of the introduction of the new technology, but surely will add to the present problems for the “have nots.”

I confess that I am computer illiterate. However, it doesn’t prevent me from wondering how those who become unemployed due to technology and expected to purchase products made by unpaid robots. Even the super wealthy “haves” should understand that they are creating an unsustainable situation.

There have been several commissions formed in this country by various governments to study and report on a fair taxation system that will provide continuous prosperity for everyone. History shows that none have been implemented to bring about that objective.

The reference to the history of Marie Antoinette and the French aristocracy is worth repeating: “When there is no hope, no way out, no future, no job, no avenue for social mobility available to the disadvantaged, no matter how tenuous or ethereal that path may be in reality, the rise of demagogues and populists will soon turn the anger of the mob toward the privileged.”

How might the mob react? Perhaps the humans who have the intelligence to make the technology eventually lose their jobs to robots will be unhappy enough to use their knowledge to then disable or modify the technology to serve all humanity rather than satisfy the greed of the relative few. If not that possibility or another one to cause positive change then maybe we will all be victims to a global implosion and failure of the present unacceptable system. Terribly regrettable but much like the snake eating its own tail for survival but doesn’t realize its mistake until it is too late.

Respectfully yours,

Norris Valiquette
Little Current

Article written by

Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff