To the Expositor:
I am writing this letter in response to Mr. Taylor’s article in this week’s paper (‘Mindemoya taxpayer concerned with housing options,’ June 20, page 4).
After reading your letter, I am left wondering if you really have a concern as a taxpayer or are you taking this opportunity to slander and bash our most vulnerable citizens. I have a daughter who was born with an intellectual disability through no fault of her own, as well as all the other clients at the Hope Farm and those living in the Mindemoya area. They didn’t ask to be born with a disability—this is the hand they’ve been dealt.
I, as a taxpayer, am pleased that these clients have a nice place to live in and are well taken care of. It is the least we can do for them since they will never have the same opportunities as you and I have had throughout our lives.
Your reference to “the Hope No Farm people” is a total lack of respect and compassion towards our most vulnerable.
Shame on you.
Micheline Kociolek
Spring Bay