A concerted effort must be aimed at changing the Island culture of drinking and driving
To the Expositor:
In reference to your Law and Order column of April 13, 2016, it brings me great sadness but not surprise. Sadness because three charges of impaired driving over the Easter Weekend should shock all those living on this beautiful island but I am not convinced it does. I am not surprised because during the annual spring clean up of the roads in Gordon Barrie Island, I picked up 92 empty beer cans. All of these were on the side of the road between the Airport Road and the end of Hwy 540A on Barrie Island (about four km).
I am aware that you can make numbers tell any story but extrapolating just these two mentioned, over one year and the entire Island, results in a disturbing conclusion. The police alone cannot stem this disastrous trend. Only a concerted effort by all to change this culture of drinking and driving (by some) will bring the result of safer roads for everyone.
I remain optimistic!
John Gordon
Barrie Island