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Providence Bay News and Notes

What fantastic weather we’ve been having. Many people who make maple syrup took the last few drops out of the trees since it’s getting too warm for the sap to flow. It’s been an excellent year for maple syrup. The snow is all melting and will soon be gone.

The black bears have come out of hibernation prompting a safety warning from the OPP and MNR. They remind everyone to store garbage in waste containers with tight-fitting lids. Put out garbage only on the morning of pickup. Put away bird feeders. Clean outdoor barbecue grills after each use. And keep your dogs on leash. If you see a bear and it is posing an immediate threat, call 911. Otherwise you can call the bear hotline at 1-866-514-2327 or report it online to the Bear Wise website.

Smelts have started running! And the warmer weather brought out many people in search of the tasty treat. The highways were buzzing as people headed to popular creeks and rivers hoping to net themselves ‘a feed’. They’ve been rumoured to have started in Wikwemikong and then Kagawong. Where will they run next before the season is over for another year? It’s another wonderful reminder of spring.

Dan, Alexia and Ceilidh Gilchrist are here visiting from their home in Toronto. They are here visiting family and friends and renewing their passion for the Island. Ceilidh was especially excited to see Nana and Papa, Linda and Reg Gilchrist.

The Central Manitoulin Public School Grade 8 class is having an Earth Day Tea on Saturday, April 23 from 2 to 4 pm. All funds raised will go towards their year-end trip. The tea is being held at the Community of Christ Church. The cost is $5 per person.

The rainbow trout fishing season opens on Saturday, April 23.

The Ministry of Transportation has a plan to replace the existing Mindemoya River Bridge with a new bridge. This will require a temporary detour and temporary bridge along with the east side of the existing bridge. A single lane of traffic will be shifted to the temporary detour while the existing bridge will be demolished and a new bridge and highway improvements are constructed. The single-lane detour will require temporary traffic signals. Pedestrian access across the Mindemoya River during construction will be maintained via a temporary sidewalk that will be provided. A Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) has been prepared for this project and provides information on the environmental effects of the project. Any interested persons are encouraged to review the TESR on the project website at ( or contact the Municipality of Central Manitoulin. This public review is open for comment from April 13, 2016 to May 16, 2016. It’s not really clear at his time about project timelines.

The monthly euchre tournament is being held at the Twilight Seniors Club on Tuesday, April 26. Play starts at 8 pm and costs $5 per person. All are welcome but you need a partner to join. Enjoy a light lunch after the entertaining card tournament.

Carol Hughes will be holding a clinic at the Municipality of Central Manitoulin on May 11 from 9 to 10 am if there are any concerns that you might have about our community.

There will be a benefit spaghetti dinner being held for Dawn Young on Thursday, May 12 from 5 to 7 pm at the Providence Bay Hall. Dinner includes: spaghetti, garlic bread, drink and dessert.  Dinner is $10 per plate, $5 for children 5-10 years old. The funds raised from this benefit will help to assist with the medical and travel expenses for Dawn and her family. Dawn is the daughter of Junior and Pat Young who has battled with Juvenile Diabetes for years and now requires a double transplant that is requiring the family to temporarily relocate to London, Ontario while Dawn receives the medical treatment that she requires both prior to and after receiving these transplants. Tickets are also available at Loco Beanz in Gore Bay or from Joanna Noble, Tina Tolsma, or Matt Young.  For more information contact Gayle Payette at or Patricia Young at 705-377-5695. Mark your calendar and plan to attend.

If there is something that you would like to add to The Providence Bay News and Notes please contact Cheryl at 705-377-7511 or email: (prov_chick  We’d love to hear from you. Please make any submissions’ by 3:00 pm each Sunday. Holidays may alter the submission deadline.

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff