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Public land across Ontario has been closed off to all but the rich

To the Expositor:

Access denied Crown land is public land. The Sudbury chapter of the Ontario Outdoors Recreational Alliance has erected signs on Highway 144 and Highway 17 east with others to go up Highway 69. The signs point out that much of our Crown land and best lakes are off limits to ordinary Ontarians.

The Ministry of Natural Resources has closed off more than 2,000 lakes and thousands of kilometres of pristine Crown land for the people with deep pockets.

Locals are not allowed on the Crown land and face fines as high as $200 for trespassing on our public land. Bridges and culverts have been removed and large berms have been built with no trespassing signs posted.

I say to hunters and outdoorspeople, wake up and call your MPP and demand for a public inquiry or you are going to get what you deserve.

Andy Zandarin, chair

Sudbury Chapter

Ontario Outdoors Recreational Alliance

Article written by

Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff