Tom Sasvari
The Recorder
MINDEMOYA—The Mindemoya Hospital Auxiliary has once again demonstrated its tremendous support of the Mindemoya Hospital and Manitoulin Health Centre. The auxiliary members have presented another donation towards the MHC ‘Tree of Life’ fundraising campaign for the purchase of new diagnostic imaging equipment for the two Island hospital sites (Mindemoya and Little Current).
“The Mindemoya Hospital Auxiliary presented us with a cheque for $10,000 to boost the ‘Tree of Life’ fundraising campaign,” Derek Graham, chief executive officer of the MHC, told the Recorder after a meeting last week.
Mr. Graham said the Mindemoya Hospital Auxiliary has now donated a total of $70,000 towards the ‘Tree of Life’ fundraising campaign.
Hospital auxiliary member Leila Thureson made the presentation of $10,000 to Mr. Graham. She confirmed the auxiliary has, in total, donated $70,000 to the fundraising campaign.
Ms. Thureson explained the auxiliary has a total membership of about 100 and has raised the funds for the campaign through such things as lunches, bazaars and teas, as well as “people making donations in memoriam, through the hospital auxiliary, in memory of a loved on who has passed on.”
“It is an important fundraising campaign and important to our hospitals,” said Ms. Thureson. “We know the x-ray machine here at the Mindemoya hospital is on its last legs, and that going together to buy the new equipment for both hospitals at the same time is a better route. The bottom line is we all want to keep our hospitals.”
Mr. Graham added that the MHC ‘Tree of Life’ fundraising campaign has now over $570,000 in donations made toward its fundraising goal of $650,000.