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Northeast Town Council Notes

Manitou subdivision

Council reviewed a request from the Manitoulin Planning Board (MPB) asking if council had any comments or concerns in regards to an application plan of subdivision for the Davis and McLay Development on Lake Manitou.

Mayor Al MacNevin noted that it was not a new application and that council had discussed that they were in support of the project.

Councillor Michael Erskine reminded council that the project was looking at innovative solutions for septic systems and that the municipality has a strong vested interest in an attempt to find a solution for development on busy lakes.

Council carried a motion that they had no comments or concerns with the application.

Council supports Autism Awareness Day

The Northeast Town council reviewed a letter from Autism Ontario, requesting council proclaim April 2, 2016 World Autism Awareness Day and raise the Autism Ontario flag on Monday, April 4. Council carried a motion granting the request.

Victim Services donation

A motion moved by Councillor Erskine and seconded by Councillor Melissa Peters to donate $200 towards the Manitoulin Northshore Victim Services curling funspiel was defeated. A funding request from the organization stated that the funds raised from the event will go towards providing enhanced services to community members who are victims of crime and tragic circumstances and to make emergency hygiene kits and towards emergency home safety devices.

Military Service Recognition Book

Council reviewed a request from the Royal Canadian Legion to purchase an advertisement in the Military Services Recognition Book.

“A minimum 20,000 copies will be available free of charge at the local Legion branches and most importantly the book will be provided to schools and public libraries to help the younger generation better understand the sacrifices made by our veterans,” stated a letter from the Royal Canadian Legion to council.

Town CAO Dave Williamson explained that in the past the advertisement was purchased out of staff’s advertising budget and asked if council would like to direct staff to do the same this year. Council indicated that they did. Councillor Marcel Gauthier commented that it was “money well spent.”

Treasurer’s reports

Town treasurer Sheryl Wilkin reviewed the vendor cheque register report.

She also reviewed the accounts receivable report for water/sewer. She noted that there had been $136,319.99 made in payments in January. She added that there were 30 accounts over the $500 limit and of those, six had been disconnected, 23 were due to the recent billing and penalty applied and one individual had made arrangements with the town.

For accounts receivable taxes, there had been $109,749.29 made in payments in January, said Ms. Wilkin. As well, she said that the interim tax bills were due on February 29 and April 29 and that the bills were mailed on February 5.

Fire report

Northeast Town Fire Department Chief Darren Bailey told council that there had been two calls for service in the new year; a barn fire on Morphets Side Road on January 22 and a call for assistance with a possible structure fire in Aundeck Omni Kaning. He added that the apparatus and equipment was in good working order.

Community services and public works

Reid Taylor walked council through the community services report. He said that things were going well at the recreation centre and that “the ice schedule continues to be busy with user groups and customer rentals.”

Mr. Taylor also said user groups were continuing their programs at the recreation centre and that staff were busy completing daily maintenance tasks.

“This month at the recreation centre minor hockey playoffs begin and the Panthers season continues,” said Mr. Taylor. “Manitoulin Secondary School playoffs are also happening and the winter walking program is continuing. We have a wedding fundraiser on February 27 and the Skate Canada Ice Show on March 5. Lisa (Hallaert) is planning lots of great March Break activities for kids from March 14 to 18.”

Mr. Taylor added that the recreation centre is hosting the Northern Ontario Hockey Association Tournament of Champions March 18-20.

“The building and parks are being monitored and the Sisson Park Ice Rink was re-opened on February 12 and will continue weather permitting,” said Mr. Taylor. “Spider Bay Marina facilities are being monitored and we have included proposed marina rates for 2016.”

Kevin Dunlop was introduced to council as the public works assistant foreman. He presented the public works report for February. He noted that regular winter maintenance was being done on the roads and that the equipment was being repaired and maintained as required. Mr. Dunlop also told council that Kevin Taylor has been hired on contract for the winter months, replacing an operator who is off.

Marina rates

Council discussed the proposed marina rates, which included a slight increase in rates. Mr. Williamson discussed how most of the rates weren’t increasing by very much because the town didn’t want to chase away its customer base.

The community services and public works committee recommended to council that the proposed new rates be approved.

Article written by

Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff