Top 5 This Week

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Tehkummah Talk and Times

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good year! I want to wish you all the best. This past year took quite a toll on us. The losses of family, our church family and dear friends. I was going to write the names down, but I’m sure I would miss one, so I generalize. From our centers, the empty chair, the missing smile, and presence. Behind is the memory and the love that we hold dear to our heart. A hard year in so many ways and yet one of the most beautiful, that I can recall weather wise. It’s at this time we thank all those for their kindness and service. We in our small communities, our busy ways and the every day things we are so grateful for. What a wonderful part of the world to call our own “Manitoulin” just the name brings the sense of beauty and peace. Our own little area, our museum, library, our churches, UCWs, municipal and road crews, our clubs. Do we need to again say thank you for the volunteers that so much make a part of who we are. To our firefighters and first responders: how important you all are, and to the fundraisers and extra things we all contribute our time to in the year. To the girls who cheerfully fax my column out each week, and to Ross, when they are not available. To the new additions to our Ward’s Store this year to and for me the “next door” shopping, so handy (and snow removal too). Thank you for the blessing of family, the wonder of friends. We hope for a peace filled year and with love to all. As we once more welcome the baby Jesus into our homes and hearts.

Pat, Cleo, Ginger and “Bubs”(Marbles)

Well here I am, I survived the Sudbury specialist “s”, a good read on my heart. Still can’t figure that one out? The biopsy set my body into shock. The pain was unbelievable. I felt like I’d been run over by a Mack truck or worse. We didn’t get home till about 11:30 so a long day. Sherry had her car serviced too, then had to take it back ( in between appointments, brakes). That was a little worrisome. They did not get much shopping done. We lunched in the food court. Saw Bill and Betty Jean there, and Barb (Mandigo) and Doug (Sherry and Barb were classmates). We had our supper at Kelseys. The poor girls were just starving to death by that time!

I don’t feel too bad this morning, got a call from Cousin Joan, didn’t recognize her voice. Cold, sore throat, laryngitis! Then talked to Cal who had his own little chest pain incident yesterday too. This aging life style is what you call interesting?

What we did do on our way out is drive around Science North twice to try to see all the decorations. It’s a pretty, pretty interesting look-see. Lots of colour and designs.

Great to see Patsy (Gilchrist) back at work in the municipal office. Barb (Grigg) was doing fill in while she was off.

I did get talking to Derek who will be laid up at least six weeks. They are pretty upset with the change in plans. Lori showed me her bruised rib photo on the internet site. Ouch!

Thursday morning a phone call from Helen got me activated. She said she had been talking (Skype) to her cousin (82) in Slovakia this week. She is recovering slowly and she did sound much better!

We will have one more week of cribbage, 16th, then resume again in the new year if the weather permits us. High hand today is Eugene; 2 x 24s. First place, Bill and Betty Jean, 947; second place, Cal and I, 929; third place, Gib and Florence, 928; lows, Jim and Jessie, 866; door, Wooden Heart and Florence. Thanks for the goodies and snacks.

Well if it weren’t for bad news. Skyler helped me set up for cribbage today and told me about her dad getting steel shavings in his eye (he was up to emerge this AM). Then she told me Jacob’s grandma Susan Bebamash had gone in to hospital in the night with suspected heart problems. Then I almost found out at the P.O. why Derek and Jodi weren’t coming for Christmas. He apparently slipped on the ice on his step and broke and cracked his ribs yesterday.

A most delicious Christmas dinner at the Triangle Club, turkey and topped off with a wonderful Christmas pudding. Door prize draw was won by Elizabeth Ahlborn. The candy jar was won by Simon Girouard. Door prize won by Irene Tilston, Stephen Ahlborn, Joy McVey and yours truly.

Afterwards Cal and I went to Lori and Ricks and played a few games of cribbage. The girls did very very good!

It was funny when Simon’s name came out we were just talking about how lucky he had been lately. Winning two previous draws, the same day. I get stuff done, like today I did laundry at Mindemoya, then finally got the garbage cleaned up and to the dump. It had been waiting for me forever!

Last evening I went with Ray, Tara and Skyler to Carol’s and Earl’s, had the best burger and fries!! Neil Middaugh was celebrating his 80th birthday. They sang him the Birthday Song and brought him a cake and candle.

Coming up this week: cribbage Wednesday, Thursday evening euchre tournament 7:30 pm, Friday the Christmas concert at the hall. Lots of great entertainers!! Saturday Slash Christmas tree.

Have you been checking out the bright and shining Christmas lights? Betty Jean’s are beautiful, and Sharlene’s at SBM- Tehkummah, Reta and Diane’s are worth a driving by, and the apartments and Tammy’s all have a nice tree in the window for night viewing! I like “Candy Cane Lane” in Mindemoya. It looks great in daytime, haven’t seen it at night this year (didn’t it get longer?) We had supper at C&Es Sunday eve then a fun game of cribbage at Cal’s after. We “the girls” did very well in the win dept. I’m tired these days. What a rain, thank goodness it’s not snow!

Earl’s back room was set up just beautifully, huge poinsettas on the tables. The Freshmart Christmas dinner was being celebrated Sunday evening. Twenty two folks enjoyed this! We saw a huge buck in South Baymouth, crossed right in front of us. There was just six of us for lunch at C&E’s after church. Simon, Mum and I, and from Manitowaning Donna and  Hugh Corbett and Anne Elliot. The Knox folk brought a lovely ‘advent candle’ set to reside in our Fairview Church. It was dedicated in Elaine McGauley’s memory. Cole said his grandma Vivian was in hospital last evening, get well soon! Happy birthday to Vivian Gibs, birthday is on Tuesday. Corrine Gill and Rob Rennie have birthdays to celebrate between Christmas and New Years! Tara, Sherry and Skyler did a Christmas shopping trip to Espanola on Saturday.

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff