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Assiginack Council Notes

Council goes on safari

At its October 6 meeting, council received a delegation from Manitowaning resident Cassie Kuntsi, who council had supported with a donation last spring toward her trip with Me to We, Free the Children in Kenya.

Council was captured by Cassie’s slideshow presentation of her life-changing trip and thanked her for sharing it with them.

Survey results

Assiginack received 145 responses to its infrastructure survey.

Out of 113 responses as to which project should be given the highest authority, Burns Wharf Theatre renovations placed at the top, library expansion, second; arena improvements, third; waterfront recreation infrastructure, fourth; and “other,” fifth.

Over 50 percent of respondents believe that the Burns Wharf Theatre renovations should be included in the 2016 budget; waterfront recreation infrastructure, 34.4 percent; arena improvement renovations, 33.6 percent; library expansion renovations, 31.2 percent; and other, 39.2 percent.

Accounts for payment

Council passed the following accounts for payment: general, $260,242.27.

Manitoulin Streams annual donation

Assiginack council received its annual request for funding support for 2016 stream restoration initiatives.

“In the past, the Township has generously donated office rental costs back to Manitoulin Streams, which has provided us with continuity in our efforts to revitalize the sport fishing industry and improve water quality,” a letter from project coordinator Seija Deschenes states. “Your donations towards our program also help to prove that there is local support for our efforts, which in turn allows us to leverage funds from other funding sources.”

Council passed a motion to donate $5,000 toward the Manitoulin Streams’ office rental.

Manitowaning youth expresses concerns

Connor Phillips, a Manitowaning youth, wrote mayor and council regarding his concerns about the municipal arena’s north wall, citing signs of green moss and black mould that are growing on the stonework.

Mr. Hobbs explained that the perceived mould is actually dirt and grime and that public works has been directed to try and remove this eyesore.

OPP billing

Assiginack received its 2016 municipal policing billing statement, which comes in at $22,607 per month. This, CAO Alton Hobbs explained, is up over $1,000 a month from 2015.

Accounts for payment

Council passed the following accounts for payment at its September 29 meeting: general, $228,189,26; and payroll, $39,813.37.

Fire chief named as Mutual Aid Coordinator

Council passed a motion supporting Assiginack Fire Chief Dwayne Elliott’s appointment as the Manitoulin Mutual Aid Fire Coordinator, fulfilling the roles and responsibilities as designated in the Provincial Mutual Aid Plan.

Council approves streetlight request

Assiginack council received a request from Blair Thompson and the property owners of Waterview Lane asking that a streetlight be installed at the intersection of Waterview Lane and Cardwell Street.

“The traffic in this area has increased and a concern about safety has come up,” Mr. Thompson wrote. “If this could be added to next year’s budget, it would be greatly appreciated.”

The request was carried.

Waste Reduction Week

Council passed a motion to participate in Waste Reduction Week, a national campaign that builds awareness around issues of sustainable and responsible consumption, encourages the selection of environmentally friendly responsible products/services and promotes actions to divert waste from disposal and conserve natural resources.

Supporting paved shoulders

Council received a letter from the Manitoulin Island Cycling Advocates (MICA), noting the resurfacing of over 65 km on Highway 540. “MICA highly recommends paved shoulders for all of Highway 540 as it gets resurfaced,” the letter from MICA president Maja Mielonen states. “We urge you to help us with our lobby efforts regarding paved shoulders on Highway 540.”

Council passed a resolution, which states: “We highly recommend adding paved shoulders when Highway 540 is resurfaced between 2016-18. The municipalities on Manitoulin including our municipality have been supportive in all cycling efforts for many years and have seen a tremendous growth in cycle tourism. We would like to see Manitoulin Island recognized as a top cycling destination in Northern Ontario. We need MTO’s help to achieve this objective as our municipal roads often do not offer connections between communities.”

Public works building tender accepted

Assiginack received two tenders for a new cover for the public works building: Calhoun, $14,074.15; and North Cover, $12,499.75 plus taxes. Council passed a motion to accept the bid from North Cover of Tehkummah.

No objections for application for consent

After a conflict of interest was declared by Mayor Paul Moffat, council reviewed a notice of application for consent from Paul, Anne and Jason Moffat, Lot 52, Concession II and Part Road Allowance between Lot 51 and 52, Concession II. The application was calling for a lot addition to Part 6, 7 and 10, Plan 31R-2223.

Council had no objections or concerns.

Cheaper hydro for township

Council passed Bylaw 15-28 to authorize an agreement with Local Authority Services (LAS) for an electricity procurement program. CAO Alton Hobbs explained that this basically means that Assiginack, through LAS, becomes part of a group buy-in for hydro, which allows them a cheaper rate, up to 14 percent savings annually.

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff
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