MANITOWANING—Sixteen-year-old Nathan Howard is no stranger in his community of Manitowaning. This young man is often seen lending a helping hand at community events, with service clubs like the Lions or even aiding a senior citizen with their groceries or lawn work.
Nathan said he was bitten by the volunteerism bug in Grade 8 when he responded to a call for community volunteers to come to the Manitowaning arena to help remove the old rink boards and replace them with the new. He was the only person to show up, he recalls, and from that day forward he pledged to do his best for anyone who needed help.
During the Southeast Manitoulin Lions Club snowmobile races Nathan helped place the hay bales, keeping the racers from danger on the corners. He also provides cleanup help during the Lions Summerfest activities, including the ever-popular smash-up derby.
At each of the Manitowaning parades (and in Manitowaning there are a few), Nathan is on the sidelines offering his help and can be seen at the Canada Day activities at Manitowaning Bay doing a good turn.
“I just like helping others,” Nathan told The Expositor. “I always have. It makes me feel good helping others.”
The young man has this advice for other youth thinking about getting involved in their community: “Help out when you see fit. If you see an elder struggling at the grocery store go and give them a hand.” He said it’s this attitude that makes for a better community.