To rustle a leaf
Not the sound of a bird
The stillness is brief
Off in the far distance
I hear a goose call
While the world is just
Waiting for fall
The mystery of seasons
So hard to explain
The sunshine cloud pictures
The down pouring rain
Time is the essence
We hark to the call
Those autumn hued
Colours of fall
The russets the yellows
The oranges and reds
The soft falling leaves
Float to their winter beds
The carpet just rustles
As I walk through
Another fall season
With you
The gardens the harvest
Is all put away
The first fire of fall
Was just lit today
The cold winter threatens
Too soon we’ll see snow
To Florida
We all should go
- Hall, Oct. 2014
Nelda Horn, thank you for your nice note and all the data on the Kangaroo Rats and Mice. It was definitely a “RAT,” even though they are “NOT” supposed to be here. Hello to your sister.
Early deadline, I’ve just got home from Mindemoya, had lunch at the Soup and Sandwich. I wanted to catch up to my “Sissy” but somehow that didn’t work.
Did say hello to Betty and Doug, and Audrey (Haggard), little chats.
Nice bunch for cribbage and more amazing food again. Ruth (McDonald) was my partner today. First: Betty Jean and Bill-964, Second: Audrie and Lois- 933, Third: Cal and Gib- 928, Low: Lori and Rick- 839, High Hand: Gib- 22, Door: Rick and Lois.
Reading Nicholas Sparks “Safe Haven,” can’t put it down, too realistic.
I missed the reeves speeches on Wednesday evening, but thought they had a fine slate running for council.
I was going to stand up and say “what about me?” when they were talking about getting/welcoming new people into he township. I’ve had quite a few folk say they came because of my column!! (To the Island even.)
Hey, they had a full hall; a lot of interest it seems, and issues I guess. Me, I want the post office back too! Can council do that?
Not enough out for euchre, so I went to Mom’s for cribbage. Beat her good the first game, Susan came along and all of us won a game, a couple of skunks in the mix. This early deadline shortens up the info available; hope your thanksgiving was wonderful. I hate the fact that despite the fading colour there is also a baring look to the trees.