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Tehkummah Talk and Times Dec 23

Riley’s Poem
‘Twas the night before Christmas I ransacked the house
I wondered what Ma did with my “favourite mouse”
Found my feathers for chasing my “favourite ball”
Where the squeak didn’t come from the mouse in the hall
My “favourite game” is cribbage you know
We play once a day and I cause lots of woe
I lay on the pegs, I flip my big tail
And the playing cards away they all sail
But when I get bored or they put me down
Perhaps they are losing will grouch, or will frown
It’s then I go searching to find if I can
A mouse of my own, It’s my own Christmas plan
I am known as Riley, a Santa you know
May not be exactly the kind that likes snow
Perhaps on your rooftop this year you will hear
Cat Claws instead but please show no fear
For I’m going to search every shed, shop or house
To see who has stolen my “favourite mouse!”
Love Santa Riley and Jean McCauley.
– P. Hall
December 18, 2013


Up in the middle of the night, the darned cough part of the problem. So I make a cup of tea and here I sit, a blanket wrapped round parts of me. It seems I have a lot of my mind all of a sudden. Of course, I was thinking of Mollie for one thing and a couple of cards that I need to send. I’m sure stuff I could think of in the light of day.

What a busy day Wednesday was! Started with a two-hour soak in the tub. Basic morning—cats in, cats out, feed dog and birds. Snow to my knees in the backyard. Off to Mindemoya with Mum for the Red Hats lunch at Mum’s Restaurant. Small bunch—Carolyn, Lydia, Betty, Carole, (Sunday, the youngest red coat), Mum and I. Joan Beard stopped a minute or two. She was helping pack Christmas hampers at the Mission Church. She’s one busy girl. We left Mindemoya, a quick ten-minute stop at home, then pick up Joan and off we go to another winter wonderland scene. Picture a Christmas card—rail fence decorated spruce trees and lots of deer in the picture. This seen from the window of the home of John and Pat Novak. We walked in to piano music and Christmas Carols. The bible study group (most of them) were singing all the old favourites. We were there a short time before the coffee break and all sorts of delicious cookies and squares and strawberry Santa hats. Mmm good! Visit, more carols, and my gosh we didn’t get home ‘til five pm. We are so good at making a day disappear. I called Cal who invited me to share his swiss steak supper. Of course as you know I never refuse food!

Our Monday night Bingo was the last until the New Year, which is coming up soon. At break time Christmas goodies were set out. Free coffee and some extra door prizes. I seemed to hear Lois’ voice yelling Bingo a lot.

Some Santa Claus’ are just too Santasy, if you know what I mean! Sometimes one just falls into “kindness.” But, of course that in itself is the real meaning of Christmas. Thank you to Santas everywhere.

You know it’s strange, but I’m really looking forward to a couple of weeks off. Maybe? Not likely!

I’ve got a cat leaving nose prints on my hand as I’m trying to write. It’s two in the morning. Most folks with any sense are in bed sleeping. Me, I’m in bed writing!

They had eight tables for euchre. I looked after the board. Joan Beard assisted by Margaret worked KP. Six lone hands Brad and Bill. They were also first with 82 points. Second, Pat and John, 79; third, Dorothy and Reta, 70; fourth, two teams tied with 69, Donna and Eila and Marilyn and Marie. Door prize #1 won by Mark, turkey won by Dorothy, gifts won by Lois, Bill, Margaret, Joan and Harold. Congrats all!

Well by gosh, by golly, isn’t it dark this morning. This is one day shy of the shortest “day” light of the year. Thank goodness we are already ready to go the other way.

Saddened to hear of Betty McGregor’s death on Thursday. She has been a strong lady. More like the comeback kid, I guess. God Bless family and friends alike. Smiled through all her trials! Funeral from Tehkummah Pentecostal Church Monday morning. The wake was Sunday from 1 to 4 pm with a lunch at Sandfield’s little hall after the funeral.

Well folks another year down the tube and the next time you hear from me I will be an “older” woman. Funny my head’s not old, just all the parts and pieces! Anyway, I wish to thank you all for your kindness to me in the past year, and an especially big thanks to Pat Novak who got my Book of Poetry into print after all these long years! It’s with sadness we remember all those we lost from our communities this past year, hard to believe thinking back. Memories will have to tide us over. To the many folks I’m pleased to call friend. Some new ones not yet met. I thank you all for gifts, cards and all that encouragement. To the store just next door, their help service and friendship, Triangle Club, my church family, and my super Sr. UCW group of ladies. The road crews and boards that keep our community working smoothly, the restaurants, local business, to new neighbours and old, to the Expositor who prints my stuff, and the girls Patsy and Barb who smilingly fax it out each week and transcribe. Blessings to you all. To the best 2014 ever, and much love from my house to yours. Love Pat, Poppy, Cleo, Marble and Ginger.

On Tuesday evening I travelled up a Christmassy scenic road with Sherry to Mindemoya School where the staff and student’s Christmas Concert presented Christmas Around the World. The set was nicely decorated with a huge globe and people with hands raised or extended above it. The whole gym area held artworks from all the grades also telling the story. MC’eed as a newscaster announced different events and from different areas. The show was excellent and most impressive the drums. The music teacher has them so perfected. Amazing! Thanks again Mindemoya School. Countries represented were Canada, Spain, Australia, Hawaii. Choir and recorders excellent!


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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
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