ONTARIO—An impending strike by Ontario community college teachers has been averted after a new agreement was reached at the eleventh hour. The current collective agreement expired on September 30 and a strike mandate was received from the workers in October. The OPSEU College Faculty Bargaining Team and the College Employer Council (CEC) entered into contract negotiations on July 15. A five-day strike notice was delivered on January 4.
The agreement comes after six months of fruitless negotiations had come up empty-handed. In issuing the notice, OPSEU, the union representing the workers, alleged the latest offer leaves workers worse off than their expired agreement.
Following last minute non-binding mediation, although still miles apart on outstanding concerns, both sides have signed a memorandum of agreement to send outstanding issues to arbitration—averting strike action that could have impacted hundreds of thousands of students across Ontario. The agreement ensures that this season’s semester will continue uninterrupted.
“Faculty working conditions are student learning conditions, and with an historic strike mandate and province-wide organizing, faculty sent the clear message that we’re ready to stand up to protect both,” said Ravi Ramkissoonsingh, chair of the faculty bargaining team.
“We are pleased to have averted an unnecessary strike at Ontario’s 24 public colleges,” agreed Graham Lloyd, CEO of the College Employer Council which negotiates on behalf of the colleges. “Our goal throughout negotiations has been to recognize the hard work of academic employees and to keep students in class.”
A new contract for college faculty will be ruled on at a further date by arbitrator William Kaplan.