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Providence Bay
Alexia Hannigan

Hello, my June bugs – Alexia here with your friendly fly!

My goodness we’ve had a busy couple of weeks! Here we sit fireside, in the middle of June, 90 percent of our bodies are covered in bug bites and the resounding question in everyone’s mind is why? Why oh why is life such a struggle? Why do our hearts break only to be broken more? Why is there sand all over the floor? Why does the sun come out after the festival ends? Why do we have to say goodbye? Why is there an empty ice cream container in the freezer? Why is there a post, planted flowers and frost warning? Why is there a mosquito bite on my neck the size of a golf ball? These are the questions that keep our heads spinning and our souls shaken and stirred and it’s not as if we have a choice. Life is hard. There is always truth, consequence and compromise around every turn, but we don’t always have to get it right. In fact, it’s ok to let things break. Let things fall apart a little, we don’t always have to have our game faces on because despite all the hardship and heartaches, we have a common plight and thread and that is that we are not alone. We are all here trying our best on a wing and a prayer. We have so much to be grateful for and sometimes we are too sick, tired, lost or lonesome and we forget to look up and we forget to breathe. Remember, everything has a season and a reason, and we don’t always understand it all when we are stuck in the middle. Know this, everyone has a breakdown before they have a breakthrough. This is true for most things. Creation, discovery and credence do not come from getting it right the first time. These things come from falling and failing until we figure it out. Like the foal that falls until he finds his legs, the kid who scrapes his knee while learning how to ride a bike, the thousands of crumpled pieces of paper, threads, burnt baking, or car parts in the bin while trying to get that painting, poem, quilt block, budget, recipe or restoration project just right. Like the lush forest after the fire, there is a process and it’s often messy. So, get in there, have a good dirt roll; rigamarole, get lost, get bent, get good and frustrated, confused, conflicted and afflicted. This is our human condition; this is how we progress and evolve. At the end of the day, we are better for it. To make a good omelet you have to break some eggs, so break away and try again. Every new day is an opportunity of hope, renewal and reward. 

Have faith and trust the process. Can’t have rainbows without rain!

Remember, you don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it. 

Here’s what’s happening: Providence Bay Arena and Fairgrounds: Youth soccer is cancelled on Saturday, June 22. Friday family rec nite is from 7 to 9 pm at the arena.

Drop in to play pickleball, badminton, basketball, cornhole, ping pong and air hockey with friends, family and neighbours. All ages welcome.

Shout out to Ben Lentir and the Bluegrass community of musicians, sponsors and volunteers for a successful fundraiser and festival.

Providence Bay Hall: Lions Club meeting Wednesday, June 19 from 7 to 9 pm at the hall. The Lions are still collecting donations of books, puzzles, games and toys, garden tools, small appliances, sports equipment, dishes, gently used pots and pans, blankets, sheets and towels, home and garden furniture and children’s clothing for the Canada Day yard sale. You can drop off at 5343 Hwy 551 Providence Bay, contact John 705-377-7740 for details. 

Mindemoya: The 5th annual Mindemoya youth softball tournament is Friday, June 21, Saturday, June 22 and Sunday, June 23 in Mindemoya at the ball fields. Thirty-six co-ed teams made up of 420 youth aged 5 to 19 will take part in approximately 76 games at the Island’s largest youth sporting event at the Mindemoya ball fields.

Taekwon-do continues Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the Mindemoya Community Hall. Tuesday, June 25 from 6 to 8 pm and Thursday, June 27 from 6 to 8 pm.

Central Manitoulin Historical Society AGM is Wednesday, June 19 from 7 to 9 pm at the Welcome Centre/Pioneer Museum.

Finance Committee meeting is Thursday, June 20 from 7 to 9 pm.

Friends of Mindemoya Old School yard, trunk and bake sale is Saturday, June 22 from 9 am to 1 pm at the Lion’s Pavilion behind the Old School. For more information

Manitoulin Island Singers and Community Choir Musical Benefit is Saturday, June 22 at 7 pm at the MSS Auditorium. Proceeds to Manitoulin Family Resources Food Bank.

Pride Manitoulin Rainbow Run at the NEMI Public Library on Saturday, June 22 at 10 am. 1K/5K Rainbow colours, run/walk/wheel. For registration go to Happy Pride, Manitoulin.

Powwows: Sheshegwaning First Nation’s 27th Annual Powwow is Saturday, June 22 with Grand Entry at 1 pm; Sunday, June 23 with Grand Entry at 12 noon at the powwow grounds.

Providence Bay Beach and Boardwalk: Providence Bay beach has a beautiful sand beach on the Lake Huron coast that is open to the public. Grab some refreshments and snacks along the way. Drop by The Mutchmor Peace Cafe for an iced latte, hot coffee, sandwich and some freshly baked treats while you take in some local art and antiquing. Be sure to stop by and see Matt and Ben and crew at Huron Fish and Chips Co. Then take a leisurely stroll along the Providence Bay boardwalk and enjoy some local art and crafts and get the “scoop” from Lance at Huron Island Time. Be sure to ask if there are any new ice cream flavours to try. Say Hello to Ingrid and Trevor at On the Bay B & B across from the Hall. Then check out the playground and picnic area along the boardwalk. Take some selfies and enjoy the sun and surf. The water is perfect now so play safe and enjoy the beautiful beaches and views! Reminder, if you see any big branches or sticks, broken glass or garbage, please safely collect and dispose near or in the blue bins and please keep our boardwalk, beaches and waterways clean and safe for all.

Providence Bay Community of Christ Church, 10:30 am meeting, 11 am service.

The Horses: Everybody’s talking foals and fairs! Some wonderful new arrivals have blessed the Gilchrist equestrian clan of late. Congratulations to all!

June 27 is social night game of pool in Spring Bay. July 7 is Roping Clinic with Harry Hodges.

August 18 from 9 am to 1 pm is the Providence Bay Fair Horse Show. 

‘Toulin Turtles: Turtles are nesting all over the side roads right now so please watch closely and slow down while driving around lakes and wetlands. If you see an injured turtle contact Turtle Pond at 705-691-0433 or visit Friends of Manitoulin Turtles online.

The Heavens: Observe a beautiful crescent moon shining close to the stars of Gemini and Leo, a big moon close to the brightest star in Scorpio, and noctilucent clouds visible in the northeastern night sky. After the summer solstice on June 20, the first full moon of summer occurs on June 21, with a big rocket launch from Kennedy Space Center scheduled for June 25. So space fans and stargazers have plenty to get excited about in June.

Holidays and Observances June 19: Reflecting on the history of freedom and resilience by learning more about Juneteenth. Watch educational videos, read articles, or engage with online discussions to deepen your understanding. Show appreciation on National Thank a Teacher Day by writing a heartfelt note to a teacher who made a difference in your life. Next, celebrate Real Food Day by preparing a tasty meal using fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Embrace your inner child on National Garfield the Cat Day by watching a classic Garfield cartoon or reading a comic strip. 

Finally, slow down and enjoy the simple things in life on World Sauntering Day. Take a leisurely stroll in nature, savouring each step and taking in the sights and sounds around you. As you meander through the day, remember to stay curious, grateful, and open to new experiences. 

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why we call it “the present” – Eleanor Roosevelt.

Team Fergmeijer

For anyone who has not spent time in Billings during the spring and summer months, we would like to give you an idea of just how many things are happening around here. This place is busier than an anteater at a picnic; a one-toothed man in a corn-on-the-cob eating contest; a termite in a sawmill; a cat at a laser show; a centipede in a toe counting contest; the beard of an auctioneer; a mosquito at a nudist camp. Yep, never a dull moment around here! 

Tennis, anyone? The Manitoulin Tennis Club is back to meeting Sunday mornings at 10 am at the Manitoulin Secondary School courts. Players of all abilities are welcome, with lessons available in the near future.

Happy birthday to a slew of off-Islanders who (we assume) wish they could be full-time Kagawongians. Dan and Jess I, Stephanie M and Abby N are all celebrating what we think are their 29th birthdays. As they aren’t Islanders, we can’t be sure, but have decided to give them the benefit of the doubt. 

Mark your calendars and start your engines! Things are picking up in Kagawong for the summer and there’s no shortage of goings-on over the next few weeks. Buckle up and get your summer on!

First up, this Saturday! Come on out for a delightful evening of music, hosted by the Island Singers and the Manitoulin Community Choir on Saturday, June 22 at 7 pm. Manitoulin choirs and musicians will be performing at Manitoulin Secondary School for a pay-what-you-wish donation with all proceeds going to Manitoulin Family Resources. It will be great music for a great cause!

Next Wednesday, June 26 it is the first of the weekly Kagawong summer markets. Be sure to stop in for some great finds and support local artisans and bakers. The next day, join Manitoulin Streams at the Billings Park Centre on Thursday, June 27 for the next Youth Rangers event: Salamanders of Manitoulin! Register students in grades 1-8 ($5 per child) by emailing

Close on the heels of the market is the annual Anglican Church yard sale and barbecue on the following Saturday (June 29) from 10 am to 2 pm at the pavilion. You are sure to find something (perhaps several somethings) you didn’t know you can’t live without! 

During the first weekend of July, come and spin a yarn with the Jabbawong Storytelling Festival, Beginning Friday, July 5 and Saturday, 6. Check out their Facebook page for more details.

No sitting on your summer laurels, the very next Saturday (July 13), join classic car enthusiasts for the Kagawong Show and Shine car show! The cars will be at Dig and Doug’s Cedar Furniture on Main Street from 10 am to 3 pm. There will be lots of great vehicles on display for all to admire. Then, it’s time to hit the beach that evening for the library’s annual open air movie night! They are taking suggestions for movie options. Email to give your suggestion of a title for a community movie night by the water. Past movies have included Jaws, The Meg, Mama Mia! and The Princess Bride. 

Be sure to sneak in some rest and drink lots of water because things really take off the weekend of July 20! The Billings Library is hosting their annual book sale and a local author showcase on Saturday (11 am to 3 pm), and the Manitoulin Art Tour will spotlight a number of Billings artists in the region over the course of the entire weekend. 

And don’t forget about the island-wide Household Hazardous Waste Day, also on Saturday, July 20! Not as summer-y, we know. But an important part of helping the environment by keeping hazardous things out of our community landfill. Save up your batteries, old electronics, paints and chemicals. Residents of Billings can drop off items at the Mindemoya Roads Building that Saturday from 1 to 4 pm.

There’s even more going on in August, but at the risk of rivaling the length of the Providence Bay column, we’ll save those details for a future paper. Never let it be said there’s nothing to do in Billings. Stay tuned!

We know it’s a long shot but does anyone know what a trebuchet is? Have a great week!

Meldrum Bay
Elaine Bradley

Friday night, June 8 at cards there were five tables and two sit outs. High lady was Lois Wismer with 80 points; high man was Steve Gugelyk with 81 points; most ladies’ lone hands with three was Brenda Carter; Bob Benedict had the most men’s lone hands; Donna Kay had the most euchres and the juice was brought home by Murray Duncanson; the 50/50 draw was won by Anne Steele; Natasha McVey won the special prize. It was a fun night.

Mildred’s daughter Irene was up visiting, and it was nice having her join us at cards. Everyone likes playing but it is a fun evening to get together and visit with one another. Thanks to all who came out.

There are several trailers at the trailer park and boats at the docks. My brother Jamie Nelder is the Marina Manager and he had an interesting story for me. A man has paddled up the Mississippi from Tennessee in his 16-foot canoe and stopped at Meldrum on his way to the Bay of Fundy in Maine. He’ll be going through the North Channel on his way there. This is not his first long distance trip; he is an experienced canoeist.

This week will be the Kits and Quilts and Saturday will be a yard sale in Silver Water. A group of us are planning on attending the yard sale and then stopping in at Randi’s for lunch.

It is sad to see so many spruce trees eaten by the spruce bud worm. But my garden is doing well. If you looked at it, you would only see weeds, but I have gotten copious amounts of lettuce and green onions and asparagus from it so far.

Have a great week everyone.

Silver Water
Karen Noble

On Friday, June 7, Albert Meijer and I went to Gore Bay. We saw a very new fawn on a lawn.

On Friday evening, I took Myra Duncanson, DonnaKay McDonald and Lois Wismer to euchre in Meldrum Bay. There were 22 players.

Saturday morning, we had a Local Services Board meeting at the Silver Water Community Hall. There were 15 people in attendance and we got through the agenda pretty quickly. The next meeting is Monday, July 8 at 7 pm to discuss the future of the fire department. Every property owner in Robinson Township is encouraged to attend.

On Sunday, there was a luncheon at the Silver Water Community Hall to fundraise for the hall. In the afternoon, a euchre tournament was held. There were eight tables of players. The first-place team was Tom and Linda Rumley, second place was Steve Gugelyk and Natasha McVey, third place was tied between the teams of Bob Benedict and Mildred Kelly and Murray Duncanson and Helen Black. There were many winners of the 50/50 draws and the donated door prizes. Thank you to all who donated the prizes. Thank you to Myra Duncanson, Natasha McVey and Brenda Carter who did the work to make the tournament a success.

On Monday afternoon we had the recycle bins open and a lot of people came out.

On Tuesday evening there was fire practice. Chris Lewis was there to distribute a number of awards to several of the fire team members. He also had an award for Murray and Gladys Duncanson to commemorate their 60th wedding anniversary. The rest of the time was spent on training for bushfires.

On Tuesday evening, Myra Duncanson, Linda Rumley and I went to Evansville to play euchre at GG’s Diner. There were five tables of players.

Debbie, Penny and Joe Addison spent several days working at their parents’ house cleaning it out. They plan to have a household sale when they are ready.

Lee and Ed Alexander spent the weekend at their cottage.

Jim Kling was here for a few days to get their cottages opened up. They are expecting Lois Miller and Ian MacDonald for two weeks.

On Wednesday, Sara-Lyn Arnot took her dog, Dolly, to the vet to be spayed. I had the next drop off appointment for our cat, Heidi. I spent the day in Mindemoya doing a little shopping, reading a book and knitting. I had a short visit with Ken Duncanson and John and Pat Wickett. 

Thursday evening, there were eight full tables of euchre players at the Silver Water Hall.

Gladys Duncanson and I walked or swam on the days we could. The lake water is still cold.

We keep Bonnie Henry in our prayers. She has moved back to the Mindemoya Hospital.

Get well to Ryan Clarke.

Condolences to the family of Mike Meeker.

Condolences to the family of Margaret Witty.

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff