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Team Fermeijer

Team Fergmeijer received a lovely compliment last weekend from long-time fan, Bonnie K. She was overheard saying that she loves this column and never misses a week. The comment from the Manhattan resident really made our day a little NYC-er.

At time of writing, the fire ban has been partially lifted for Billings Township. Backyard campfires are permitted, however fireworks and burning brush/yard waste (any burning that requires a permit) is still prohibited. Check the township website at for up-to-date information, and if burning, please exercise caution.

Team Fergmeijer has been inspired by the recent poet laureate visits to Kagawong for both the Jabbawong and NorthWords festivals. And while we’ve become quite the haiku and limerick enthusiasts over the years, we believe we’ve found a different niche:

With these columns, we spin some good storyates.
We try not to be tedious or boriates.
We’ll put a twist on a word,
Sometimes a little absurd.
We’re Kagawong’s self-appointed Pun Laureates!

Happy birthday to Willa W who may or may not have celebrated her 29th birthday last week, and to Lisa H and Beth G who definitely are celebrating their 29th birthdays. We heard you might be gluten sensitive, so we will refrain from toasting you on your big day.

The MSS robotics team, Manitoulin Metal Team 6865, is hosting free interactive coding workshops for youth across Manitoulin in August. Kagawongians in elementary school can take part at the Park Centre on August 7. Grades 1 to 4 will be at 10 am to 12 noon, and Grades 5 to 8 will be 1 to 3 pm. Snacks will be provided! Drop-ins are welcome, or register at

Team Fergmeijer superfans from Thamesford are visiting the Island for the week, including visits to Kagawong and the far western reaches of Meldrum Bay. It’s always great to see them.

Did you hear that a car full of garlic, ginger and lemongrass ran the red light at the bridge in Little Current? It was a fragrant disregard for public safety.

History Night in Kagawong is next week!! On Thursday, August 10, explore some of the history of Manitoulin Island, as well as commemorate the 60th anniversary of the JFK assassination. Admission is free to either session: a 3:30 pm matinée or 7:30 pm evening event, both at the Kagawong Park Centre. Donations are always welcome for the Old Mill Heritage Centre.

Concert #4 in the 2023 Kagawong Concert Series is coming up! On Friday, August 11th at 7:30 pm, join Georgia Hathaway and Friends at the Old Church on the Hill for some fantastic live music. Check out Kagawong Concert Series on Facebook for ticket information.

And to top off a fantastic week, come out to the main beach on Saturday the 12 to watch The Princess Bride courtesy of the Billings Public Library! The show is byoc/byof (bring your own chair/bring your own floatie) and admission is by donation. We know what you’re thinking – a cult-classic, family friendly movie you can enjoy while lounging on the beach or floating in the bay? Inconceivable!

We entered a “Name That French City” competition. We were determined not Toulouse because the first prize was a trip to a city on the French Riviera. In the end, we only came in second, but it was a nice try. Have a great week!

Meldrum Bay

Elaine Bradley

There was an art class at the Community Hall this weekend that all who attended enjoyed.

Rose and I went to Karen’s yard sale in Silver Water. We did not buy a great deal although there were quite a few nice things displayed but we did have coffee and munchies and we sat around and visited with everyone. Near the end, Karen took us through her flower beds and helped us pick out flowers. On the way home, we stopped and picked more flowers. They were Black-eyed Susans growing on the roadside and there were lots of them. Upon arriving back in Meldrum we started placing them in vases. Rose is the artistic one, but she kept me busy helping. Soon the whole Hall was decorated. Others from the community had arrived as well to complete the set-up of the Hall for the next day.

Sunday, the 23rd, we had a strawberry social. There were visitors from the Island and many of the boaters and campers from the waterfront attended as well. Everyone was jovial and chatty. The cake and strawberries with ice cream and whipping cream was delicious. There were blueberries and chocolate pieces for garnish. It was really quite festive. After we had all eaten we went to the church for an evening service and many of the boaters and campers attended as well.

Mark your calendars. The beef barbecue is coming up soon on the Saturday of the August long weekend.

Friday night, July 21, at cards there were four tables and one three handed table. High lady was Rose Van Every with 78 points; high man was Tom Rumley with 76 points; ladies’ lone hands went to Myra Duncanson with five and men’s lone hands went to Guy Bigras with five; most euchres went to Brenda Carter with 11. The juice went home with Karen Noble. The money jar is safe for another week.

Barrie Island

Lillian Greenman

Bill Runnalls from Winnipeg, Manitoba is spending a few weeks here visiting with family.

Sandy and Jim Miller have their daughters visiting for the week; Fiona Perry and baby Griffin and Moya and husband Jeff Rothwell and girls Lucy and Olivia.

Carolyn Lane-Rock has her sister Gloria and husband Bruce Tuck from Toronto and her brother Ted Lane and wife Lorraine from Mount Brydges are visiting this week. Joining them on Thursday at her cottage were Evelyn and Grant Lewis from Sault Ste. Marie, Edith Beange from Espanola and Raymond Runnalls from Richmond Hill.

Silver Water

Karen Noble

Albert and I went to Gore Bay on Friday morning to have cake and coffee at the café which was run by the Anglican Church ladies. It is held every Friday morning in the basement of the Gore Bay Community Hall and is a huge fundraiser for the various groups.

We had lunch at Campbell’s Drive-In before heading home. I made a batch of pies in the afternoon for the bake sale held on Saturday morning.

Friday evening, I took a carload to play euchre in Meldrum Bay.

Saturday morning there was a vendor market in our yard. We had a great crowd of shoppers all morning. We had Lori Mastelko join as a vendor selling her sewing and her mother’s knitting.

Jim and Linda Wagg and family left on Saturday morning after a couple of weeks enjoying the family cottage.

Saturday, we went to Gore Bay to the Harbour Days fish dinner with Doug and Brenda Carter. My niece, Larissa Chevrette and nephew Jackson Chevrette met us there for supper. We arrived before the 5 pm start time and there was already a huge crowd. We didn’t wait in line for very long as the volunteers moved us along very quickly. We found a spot in the shade close to the boats to sit down.

Shirley Anne Smyth LeSage arrived from Cowansville on Saturday, July 22 with her children Miriam and Johnathon to their cottage on Silver Lake.

Sunday morning, I went to Mindemoya to work. I made it home in time to head to Meldrum Bay for their Strawberry Social at 5:30 pm. The dessert was delicious, the event was very well attended. Afterwards, Albert and I went to pick raspberries at Rick and Elaine Bradley’s. The berries were wonderful and we took home a large container full.

On Monday, I made a number of raspberry pies.

Tuesday morning, I took Brenda Carter and Diane Jones back to the raspberries at the Bradley’s and we each went home with a container full.

Craig Duncanson spent part of the week with his parents, Murray and Gladys Duncanson. There were a lot of chainsaw sounds coming from their yard when Gladys and I were in the lake having our swim.

Thursday evening, we had seven and a half tables of euchre players at the Silver Water Community Hall. Thank you to all the people who came out to play and who brought treats. Lori Mastelko made a jar of cookies to travel with the juice and we have never had it move so much. Some people had possession of the juice and cookies for less than a minute before it moved on. We had a lot of laughs and invite all euchre players to come on out for 7 pm.

We heard there is a euchre tournament scheduled for August 13 in Tehkummah and are looking forward to attending it.

Happy birthday to Sara-Lyn Arnot on July 27.
Condolences to the family of Dave Williams.
Condolences to the family of Albert Noland.
Condolences to the family of Vera Atkinson.

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff
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