Top 5 This Week

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M.S.S Kids in the Halls – May 3, 2023

Just like that, there are only two months left of school. A sort of unseen countdown has begun at MSS, especially for older students. End-of-year events are being planned, the sun is starting to come out and summer is crossing students’ minds a little more frequently. For graduating students, they have post-secondary acceptances and next steps for careers on their minds. Slowly but surely the year is getting closer to its end.

Spymaster is back! For those who don’t know what that is, allow me to explain. After purchasing a ticket, students will receive a name of another student and a clothespin. The goal? “Pin” the student whose name you got. Once that job is done successfully you take the name your target had and try to pin them. The cycle continues until there is one left standing. The winner will get a grand prize. Last year the first-place prize was AirPods. Who knows what this year’s prize will be? Today, Wednesday, May 3 was the last day to buy into the competition. Spymaster will officially start on Monday, May 8. Best of luck to everyone and don’t get pinned!

Reach For The Top is looking for Grade 9 students interested in participating in trivia. If you’re in Grade 9 and like math, science, pop culture, art or history you’re invited to come to A9 at lunch on Thursday for more details.

Wednesday, April 26 MSS got the opportunity to thank Ms. Crowe and Ms. Cassie for Administrative Professionals Day. They were thanked in front of the entire school during morning announcements with a special message saying, “your hard work, dedication, and attention to detail is essential to our success, and your friendly demeanor makes such a difference in the lives of students and staff.”

Plans for the All-Grades Prom are now in motion! The dance is set for Thursday, May 25 at MSS with the theme of Northern Lights. The prom committee is looking for students or community volunteers who are interested in decorating after school the day of the prom. Keep an eye out for Student Council meetings on the announcements or contact for more information!

That is all for this week! I hope everyone is enjoying the warmer weather and having a great start to the month of May. Before we know it exams and graduation will be upon us!

Until next time, go, Mustangs, go!

April 26

Welcome back! The warm weather from last week turned out to be a free trial of summer that expired. Students are now back to wearing spring jackets and sweaters and hoping the snow stays away.

Despite the weird weather, a new club at MSS is preparing for sunny days. The Greenhouse Group announced its arrival at MSS on Monday, April 17. Anyone interested in tending to garden beds, and working towards a new greenhouse in the school are encouraged to check out this club. Its first meeting was at lunch on Tuesday, April 18 in the Three Fires Resource Room.

Nominations for Grade 12 valedictorian have opened up. Other Grade 12s can choose who they want to represent them through nomination forms in the main office. These nominations are due by Friday, May 5.

The results from the BIPOC library challenge are in! In first place for individual prizes, winning AirPods is Landon Hare with 350 library resource entries. In second and third winning Amazon gift cards are Landon Smith and Calliegh Quillan. The top three classes include: Ms. Mavec’s class, Ms. Freeman’s class and Mr. Smith’s class.

The MSS robotics team was very successful at the World Championship in Houston, Texas this week. The team was one of six finalists for the most prestigious award in FIRST, the Impact Award. The team was able to accomplish this feat through the support of their community on Manitoulin Island. Congratulations Manitoulin Metal!

That is all for this week folks! Until next time, go Mustangs, go!

Article written by

Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff