GORE BAY—The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 514 in Gore Bay will be able to continue to operate, thanks to those members and volunteers who stepped forward to help form an executive.
The Legion held a general meeting on Wednesday, April 13 with elections held to form a new executive.
“We have five of our six top executive positions elected so we will be able to continue to operate,” said Jim Woods, who has taken on the position of incoming president of the Legion (which will mark his fourth term in this post). “And we have volunteers that have come forward to serve on certain committees.”
Mr. Woods explained the future of the Legion could have been in jeopardy, “if we didn’t have people step up to put their names in for the election of the executive. We didn’t know until the last moment if the executive positions would be filled.”
Carrie Lewis will take on the role of past president of the Legion with Marilyn Clarke being elected as first vice president. The position of second vice-president will be filled by Beverly Wright while Ann Porter will be the secretary of the Legion.