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4elements Living Arts Elemental Festival is back

KAGAWONG—Late September is one of the best times to visit Kagawong—alive with movement and change-the annual turn of leaves, salmon making their run up the river to spawn and 4elements animating the village with contemporary art for Elemental Festival September 29 to October 2.

This year, artists have been invited to creatively engage with the theme of ‘walking.’ The festival has a rich and diverse line-up of both visiting and local artists, musicians, performers, writers and events, performances, workshops, and community walks to delight your imagination and ambulate your creativity

Invited artists include: Marlene Creates (Portugal Cove, NL), whose work has appeared in more than 300 exhibitions nationally and internationally; renowned textile artist Judy Martin (Little Current); acclaimed writer and ecologist Madhur Anand (Guelph); writer Chris Turnbull (Kemptville); eco-artist Matt Ceolin (Algoma); audio artist Judy Bowyer (Kitchener); video artist Mary Porter (Toronto); the Woodland Sisters, illustrators (Whitefish), visual artists Christine Dewancker  (Toronto); and Nate Nettleton (Ottawa).

Musical performers for the festival include Elisha Sidlar of M’Chigeeng First Nation, Lisa Hamalainen of Little Current, Jamie Ward of Kagawong and Craig Harley of Sudbury.

Elemental Festival is supported by the Ontario Arts Council, the Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, Department of Canadian Heritage, Township of Billings, and the GoWild grant of WWF/Telus.

Article written by

Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff